Created 8 years ago, updated 4 years ago

The London Development Database (LDD) has been replaced by the Planning London Datahub (PLD) and the data on this page is no longer being updated.

The LDD recorded significant planning permissions in London.

The data was entered by London's planning authorities, and checked by the GLA to ensure consistency across London. The LDD recorded any planning consent that permits one or more of the following:

  • any new build residential units
  • any loss or gain of residential units through change of use or conversion of existing dwellings
  • creation of seven or more new bedrooms for use as either a hotel, a hostel, student housing or for residential care through new build or change of use
  • 1,000m2 or more of floor space changing from one use class to another or created through new build or extension for any other use
  • the loss or gain or change of use of open space.

The spreadsheet LDD - Planning permissions includes details of all permissions either currently recorded as live (not started or under construction), completed since 01/04/2006 or permitted since 01/04/2006 and subsequently superseded or lapsed. LDD - Non-residential floorspace provides additional details of the non-residential floor space for those permissions with a non-residential component and LDD - non-residential bedrooms provides additional details of the non-C3 bedrooms over the same time period.

Archived (zipped) csv file of unit-level housing approvals covering the period 01/04/2000 to 31/03/2019. Note that opening the file in Excel may affect some of the data.

Details on residential units, including number of bedrooms and tenure, have only been collected on permissions granted from 01/04/2004 onwards.

Warning: Please note the large file size

Housing completions recorded on the London Development Database, covering the period 01/04/2000 - 31/03/2019.

The information in this spreadsheet may not match previously published data.

Details on residential units, including number of bedrooms and tenure, have only been collected on permissions granted from 01/04/2004 onwards.

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Warning: Please note the large file size

Non-residential floor space recorded on the London Development Database. The following use classes are recorded: A1-A5, B1, B2, B8, C2 (excluding care homes), D1, D2, SG (excluding hostels and large HMOs). Includes planning permissions currently recorded as not started or under construction, and anything completed since 01/04/2006.
Non-residential bedrooms recorded in the London Development Database. The following use class groups are recorded: C1 Hotels, Student Bedrooms (C1 or SG), C2 Care Homes, C2a, SG Hostels and Large HMOs. Serviced Apartments (C1 or SG) are also included but are recorded by the number of units rather than bedrooms. Includes planning permissions that are currently recorded as either not started or under construction, or were completed since 01/04/2006.

Housing approvals recorded on the London Development Database, covering the period 01/04/2012 - 31/03/2019. All approvals are included, unless they are superseded within the same financial year they were granted.

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