Created 6 years ago, updated 5 years ago

The Londonwide Low Emission Zone (LEZ) was launched in February 2008. The LEZ operates to encourage the most polluting heavy (including buses, coaches, lorries and other specialist vehicles) diesel vehicles driving in London to become cleaner. The LEZ covers most of Greater London and is in operation 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Heavy vehicles must meet a minimum emission standard of pay a £100 charge.Starting 26 October 2020 heavy vehicles will have to meet even stricter standards or pay the fine.

air-quality  (11.25 kB)

Visit the GLA Air Quality Map.

This is a link to the web mapping service used by the air quality map.

Geopackage of Low Emission Zone

Format: geopackage (gpkg)

Projection: EPSG: 27700, British National Grid