- Updated 11 days ago
Referral planning applications between 2011-2022
Greater London Authority (GLA)This dataset includes information on the planning applications referable to the Mayor between January 2011 - December 2022. Planning applications included within this dataset are those that were considered by the Mayor at stage 2 and stage 3 between 1 January 2011 and 31 December 2022. Information such as number of residential units, affordable housing provision, number of storeys and the Mayoral decision have been recorded for each app... - Updated 15 days ago
Conservation Areas
Planning Constraints MapConservation Areas are areas where extra planning controls apply due to their special architectural and historic interest. The GIS files show the indicative boundaries, please contact the relevant London Borough to confirm accuracy. NOTE: The boundaries are based on Ordnance Survey mapping and the data is published under Ordnance Survey's 'presumption to publish'.Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database rights 2019. Greater Londo... - Updated 17 days ago
GiGL Open Space Friends Group subset
Greenspace Information for Greater London CIC (GiGL)Introduction The GiGL Open Space Friends Group subset provides locations and boundaries for selected open space sites in Greater London. The chosen sites represent sites that have established Friends Groups in Greater London and are therefore important to local communities, even if they may not be accessible open spaces, or don’t typically function as destinations for leisure, activities and community engagement*. Friends Groups are gr... - Updated 17 days ago
GiGL Spaces to Visit
Greenspace Information for Greater London CIC (GiGL)Introduction The GiGL Spaces to Visit dataset provides locations and boundaries for open space sites in Greater London that are available to the public as destinations for leisure, activities and community engagement. It includes green corridors that provide opportunities for walking and cycling. The dataset has been created by Greenspace Information for Greater London CIC (GiGL). As London’s Environmental Records Centre, GiGL mobil... - Updated 22 days ago
Part of Plot 5 at the former Bishopsgate Goodsyard Consultation Documents
Greater London Authority (GLA) - Updated a month ago
Statistical GIS Boundary Files for London
Greater London Authority (GLA)The Zip folder contains a range of key GIS boundary files for ESRI and Map Info covering Greater London. The folder includes: - Output Area (OA) 2011, - Lower Super Output Area (LSOA) 2004 and 2011, - Middle Super Output Area (MSOA) 2004 and 2011, - London Wards (two files: City of London merged into single area and split into seperate wards). There are separate download file for 2014 & 2018 boundaries. - London Boroughs Note: The OA to... - Created a month ago
Flood Risk
Planning Constraints MapThe Flood Zones show the probability of river and sea flooding, ignoring the presence of defences. There are four zones, 1, 2, 3a and 3b, that reflect the annual probability of flooding happening. This map shows all areas with more than a 1 in 1,000 annual probability of either river or sea flooding by combining zones 2, 3a and 3b. If you want to submit a planning application within these zones, you will need to do a flood risk assessme...