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The Mayor of London The London Assembly

Our Research

We often work with external partners to conduct research on trends and particular policy issues regarding skills, adult education and employment. Here you will find our research reports across a range of policy topics.

The Community Outreach Programme Evaluation 2023-24

January 2025

ICF Consulting Services Ltd were commissioned to undertake an Evaluation of The Community Outreach Programme. The evaluation aims to assess the outcomes and impacts of The Community Outreach Programme for the 2023-24 period.

The Community Outreach Programme was designed to enhance adult education and skills provision in London, focusing on underserved communities. The programme funded 28 community organisations with an annual turnover of less than £500,000 to deliver various activities that engage and support Londoners into adult education.

The report includes recommendations for future rounds of The Community Outreach Programme and highlights key findings for the GLA to consider. The Mayor/GLA welcomed the key findings from the 2023-24 Community Outreach Programme Evaluation report and have provided a response to 5 key areas for attention in separate paper.

The Rising Cost of Living and Access to Adult Education in London

July 2024

In September 2023, Learning and Work was commissioned by the GLA to conduct research into the impact of the rising cost of living on London’s adult education landscape.  

GLA data shows that in 2023, 17% of Londoners were ‘struggling financially’, and another 30% were ‘just about managing’. Increased inflation also impacted the cost of doing business for London’s skills providers and Further Education (FE) workforce.  

 This report and the summary report are based upon a survey, depth interviews and focus groups with learners, providers, and third sector organisations that provide and campaign for people on low incomes. The fieldwork took place between November 2023 and March 2024. The research provides an account of the impact of the rising cost of living on London’s FE sector.

Transferable Skills: Understanding effective delivery through adult skills provision

May 2024

Ask Research were commissioned to undertake research on the delivery of transferable skills through GLA adult skills funding in London.  

 This research aims to improve the GLA’s understanding on the delivery and impact of transferable skills on learners’ economic and social outcomes. It provides a qualitative deep dive into the need for and impact of transferable skills provision and the challenges, approaches to and success factors in the delivery of transferable skills.  

 This report includes recommendations for the GLA, providers and employers on how to engender a more consistent understanding and delivery of transferable skills and how to support more Londoners to gain these vital skills. 

Navigating the Transition: A Cost and Skills Analysis for Net Zero Carbon by 2030 in London’s Further Education Colleges

July 2024

The Mayor of London is committed to reducing emissions and addressing the climate emergency. As part of this, the Mayor is driving forward an ambitious plan to make the city Net Zero-Carbon by 2030 and expects GLA funded training providers to have a Net Zero-Carbon plan in place by 2024.

To help providers meet this expectation, the Mayor launched a Net Zero- Carbon toolkit in November 2023, providing best practice and guidance. Building on this work, the GLA has commissioned a report, led by the Carbon Trust and Alliance for Sustainability Leadership in Education EAUC. This report estimates the potential cost and skills required for FE colleges to achieve Net Zero-Carbon by 2030.

Whilst highlighting opportunities for the government to work more closely with the Mayor on this agenda, the report estimates that decarbonising London’s FE estates could cost between £213-279 million.

Understanding the Impact of Covid-19 on Remote Learning in the FE sector in London

October 2023

Following the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, London’s adult education sector saw a shift in its approach to teaching and learning, requiring a swift pivot to online delivery methods. In response, the Mayor launched a £9m Skills for Londoners Covid-19 Response Fund. This initiative aimed to bolster the capabilities of adult education providers, ensuring not only the continuation of skills development among Londoners but also addressing the challenge of digital exclusion.

To gain a better understanding of the post-pandemic landscape, the Greater London Authority (GLA) commissioned Learning and Work Institute (L&W) to carry out mixed-methods research into the experience of learners in adult education and the quality of adult education provision in London.

This report provides an understanding of the impact of the increased use of remote learning following shift to online delivery during the pandemic. This research explored recent trends in remote learning, learner and provider experiences and how policy and best practice can enhance remote learning in the city.

Supporting London’s Migrant Communities through AEB

November 2023

The Greater London Authority (GLA) commissioned the Learning and Work Institute to undertake research to explore the impact of changes to expand the accessibility of the Adult Education Budget (AEB) for refugee and migrant communities. These changes include expanding the three-year residency waiver to include long term migrants; full funding for those earning less than the London Living Wage (LLW); and full funding for AEB-eligible people seeking asylum, where previously they were required to part fund their course.

The report includes recommendations for both the GLA and local delivery partners to provide additional support to the sector and migrant Londoners.

Effective practice in English and maths for adult learners in London

January 2023

The Greater London Authority (GLA) commissioned the Learning and Work Institute to undertake research into the barriers to participation and achievement in basic English and maths training (at level 2 and below) and highlight examples of good practice that can be used to support London’s Adult Education Budget (AEB) providers to deliver improved social and economic outcomes for learners.   

AEB Evaluation Final Report

May 2022

IFF Research finalised their report covering the evaluation of the Adult Education Budget (AEB) in the 2020-21 Academic Year.   

Social prescribing into adult education in London research

March 2022

The Greater London Authority (GLA) commissioned Learning and Work Institute to undertake a mapping exercise of social prescribing to adult education to improve Londoners’ mental health.   

More than just education: A Participatory Action Research project on adult education in London

February 2022

This is a Toynbee Hall report on adult education commissioned by the Greater London Authority (GLA) to inform the preparation of the Mayor’s Skills Roadmap for London.   

Green Skills Adult Education Provision in London

January 2022

The GLA commissioned independent research into the green skills which are expected to grow in demand as London moves to net zero.    

Work Experience and Contextual Admissions in London’s Higher Education Institutions

November 2021

The GLA commissioned CFE Research to carry out qualitative research into the provision of work experience for students and the use of contextual admissions in higher education institutions in London.    

Higher Level Skills in London

October 2020

This research, commissioned by the GLA, establishes a stronger evidence base regarding the place and value of higher level skills (courses, apprenticeships, and qualifications at levels 4 and 5) in London.    

Independent Evaluation of the First Year of AEB Delivery

September 2020

The GLA commissioned IFF Research to conduct an independent evaluation of the first year of AEB delivery after delegation of the AEB to the Mayor in 2019.

London’s Post 16 Trajectories

July 2020

To establish a clearer understanding of what is driving post-16 education choices and performance in the capital, the GLA and London Councils commissioned Mime and the UCL Institute of Education to conduct research which tracked the pathways of 355,000 London residents from age 15 to 18.

Increasing Higher Education Retention in London

March 2019

The GLA commissioned the Social Market Foundation to look at the reasons behind the non-continuation (drop-out) rate of undergraduates studying at London’s higher education institutions.

London Post 16 Send Review

March 2019

In 2019 the GLA commissioned education specialists Mime to provide an up-to-date picture of supply and demand of Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) provision for 16-25 year olds in London.

Mapping ESOL Provision in Greater London

May 2017

In February 2017, Learning and Work was commissioned by the Greater London Authority to undertake a mapping exercise of formal and informal provision of English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) in London, and undertake work to identify the language learning needs of resettled Syrian refugees in London.

London Adult Community Learning Review Report

March 2017

A 2017 report making recommendations for developing a long-term plan for Adult Community Learning in London.

Digital Talent Programme Research and Resources

2016 – 2018

A range of reports that helped shape the development and direction of the Mayor’s Digital Talent programme.