Valuation Office Agency
- Updated 5 years ago
Commercial and Industrial Floorspace, Borough
Valuation Office AgencyRateable Value Statistics for Commercial and Industrial Floorspace by Local Authority. Breakdown of commercial and industrial stock including count, floorspace and rateable value by sector includinf retail, offices, industrial and other. Data comes from the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) Average rateable value - £/m2 Total Rateable value - £'000s Total Floorspace - 000s m2 Hereditaments - Number This data is available from the VOA... - Updated 5 years ago
Average Private Rents, Borough
Valuation Office AgencySummary of average monthly rents in private rental market, recorded per 12 month rolling period. Data updated bi-annually by local authority areas for England. These statistics used to be produced quarterly but since 2013 have been updated bi-annually in Q1 and Q3 only. VOA note on these statistics: "The sample used to produce these statistics is not statistical and may not be consistent over time as such these data should not be comp... - Updated 9 years ago
Dwellings by Property Build Period and Type, LSOA and MSOA
Valuation Office AgencyThis CSV table shows a breakdown of the dwelling stock down to a lower geographic level Lower layer Super Output Area or LSOA, categorised by the property build period and property type. CSV metadata. Counts in the tables are rounded to the nearest 10 with those below 5 recorded as negligible and appearing as -. Data on build period, or age of property, has been used to create 12 property build period categories: Pre-1900, 1900-1918, 1... - Updated 10 years ago
Dwellings by Council Tax Band, Wards
Valuation Office AgencyDwellings on the valuation list, by council tax band and ward. The Valuation list is held by the Valuation Office Agency of HMRC. The number of dwellings in each band taken at the end of March. Based on property values at 1 April 1991, homes are allocated to one of eight bands in England: the lowest - band A - is for homes worth less than £40,000, and the highest - band H - is for those worth more than £320,000. Data for each band down... - Updated 11 years ago
Dwellings by Council Tax Band, Output Areas
Valuation Office AgencyNumber of dwellings on the valuation list, by council tax band and output area. The Valuation list is held by the Valuation Office Agency of HMRC. The number of dwellings in each band taken at the end of March. Based on property values at 1 April 1991, homes are allocated to one of eight bands in England: the lowest - band A - is for homes worth less than £40,000, and the highest - band H - is for those worth more than £320,000. Data f...