Department for Transport
- Updated 3 months ago
Licensed Vehicles - Type, Borough
Department for TransportNumber of licensed vehicles (in thousands) at year end broken down by type including , cars, motor cycles, light goods, heavy goods, buses an coaches, and Other. Vehicles are allocated to a local authority according to the postcode of the registered keeper. This is the keeper's address for privately owned vehicles or the company's registered address for company owned vehicles. Significant changes in the number of vehicles from year to y... - Updated 4 months ago
Traffic Flows, Borough
Department for TransportEstimated traffic volume for cars and all vehicles by local authority since 1993 (kilometres). Million Vehicle Kilometres travelled by all motor vehicles and all cars in London. Data comes from the Department for Transport (DFT) National Road Traffic Survey. Definitions can be found here. - Updated 6 months ago
Licensed Vehicles - Numbers, Borough
Department for TransportPlease note that, as of June 2024, this dataset is no longer being updated. Due to the Department of Transport no longer being able to provide this data. Trends of total number of Private or Light Goods vehicles at year end since 1997. Exempt: Disabled' are vehicles exempt from tax providing they are used by disabled people claiming the higher rate of the mobility component of Disability Living Allowance, War Pensioners Mobility Supple... - Updated 4 years ago
Road Casualties by Severity
Department for TransportCasualties on the roads by severity (Killed/seriously injured or slight injuries) for both child and all casualties by borough since 2004. Casualties by 5 year age group and severity for London and Great Britain. Data presented is for personal injury road traffic collisions occurring on the public highway, and reported to the police, in accordance with the Stats 19 national reporting system. Also available: Casualties on the roads b... - Updated 5 years ago
Walking and Cycling by Borough
Department for TransportTable showing proportion of residents who walk for at least 30 minutes at a given frequency, and proportion of residents who cycle (any length or purpose) at a given frequency, by local authority and region. 1 Results are grouped according to the area where respondents live, which may not be the same as the area where they walk or cycle. 2 "Cycle" in this table refers to any cycling, irrespective of length or purpose. "Walk" in this ta... - Updated 9 years ago
Road Collisions by Severity
Department for TransportRoad Collisions Data by fatal, serious or slight severity casualty groups by borough and ward. An collision is classed by the worst level of casualty. For example if an accident caused 1 slight injury, 2 serious injuries, and 1 fatality, the collision would be classed as fatal. Road casualty statistics can be found at a separate page. Accident and casualty data can also be found on DFT's Road Safety Data page. See more on the UKDA w... - Updated 11 years ago
Length of the Road Network, Borough and Region
Department for TransportRoad lengths in miles, by road class for each local authority and region of Great Britain since 2005. Includes, Motorways, Trunk roads, Principal roads, and Minor roads - both Rural and Urban. Using the National Roads Database from the Department for Transport (DFT).