Ethnicity Pay Gap
It is clear that the gap in median hourly pay between White employees and Black, Asian and minority ethnic employees in London (more than 22 per cent) is much higher than that across England & Wales outside London (around 1 per cent). This is at least partly attributable to the fact that London has a much larger proportion of Black, Asian and minority ethnic employees among its workforce than the rest of the country, while London wages tend to be higher than elsewhere. Comparing individual groups with the largest group (White British) in London and nationally shows clear disparities, with some groups, notably Chinese and Indian employees doing relatively well in terms of pay, while others tend to have much lower pay – particularly Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Black African employees.
For most organisations within the GLA group, White employees are paid more on average than those from any Black, Asian and minority ethnic group. This is true when calculated for both mean and median hourly pay. The GLA has published its ethnicity pay gaps on the GLA website, while the ethnicity pay gaps for other GLA group organisations can be found on theirs.