
Greater London Authority (GLA)
Department for Education
Department of Health
HM Revenue & Customs
Office for National Statistics (ONS)
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Greater London
Primary Care Organisations
(1) - Updated a month ago
Apprenticeship Statistics for London
Greater London Authority (GLA)This page presents analysis and data related to skills and employment in London Note on data sources and interpretation: The analysis is not intended to be comprehensive or exhaustive. It is a snapshot analysis of key data as it pertains to London. The analysis does not represent the full body of evidence on which Mayoral Policies are, or will be, based. Outputs should be triangulated with other sources of information and analysis ... - Updated 4 months ago
Immunisation Rates for Children at 1st, 2nd and 5th Birthdays
Department of HealthCentre for Infections (CfI) for information on childhood immunisation uptake at ages 1, 2 and 5 collected through the Cover of Vaccination Evaluated Rapidly (COVER). Long-term trends for MMR immunisations in London and England are available, back to 1988/89. It is not possible to easily display the long term trends for all regions since the definitions and boundaries of the other English regions has changed a number of times during this... - Updated 10 months ago
Child Benefits, Borough
HM Revenue & CustomsFamilies by size and children in families by age. A National Statistics Publication. Child Benefit is paid to those responsible for children (aged under 16) or qualifying young people. The latter includes: a) those in full-time non-advanced education or (from April 2006) on certain approved vocational training courses and who are under 19, or are aged 19 and have been on the same course since their 19th birthdays. (Note: those reachin... - Updated 2 years ago
Young People Not in Employment, Education or Training, Borough
Department for EducationTable shows number and proportion of young people aged 16-18 who are not in employment, education or training (NEET). Also in the spreadsheet are figures for those aged 16-24 by region and 'NUTS2/3' areas. These tables now relate to academic age 16-18 which includes some information on those with an actual age of 19 and the information is now calculated on where a young person is resident and not as previously where educated. Therefore,... - Updated 4 years ago
Apprenticeships Starts and Completions, Region and Local Authority
Department for EducationTable shows numbers and index change since 2005/06 of apprenticeship starts and completions. Apprenticeships are paid jobs that incorporate on- and off-the-job training leading to nationally recognised qualifications. As an employee, Apprentices earn as they learn and gain practical skills in the workplace. An Apprenticeship framework contains the following separately certified elements. • A knowledge-based element (the theoretical know... - Updated 8 years ago
Office for National Statistics (ONS) Population Estimates, Borough and Ward
Office for National Statistics (ONS)ONS Mid-year estimates (MYE) of resident populations for London boroughs are available in the following files: Read the GLA Intelligence Updates about the MYE data for 2011 and 2012. Mid-year population by single year of age (SYA) and sex, for each year 1999 to 2014. ONS mid-year estimates data back to 1961 total population for each year since 1961. These files take into account the revised estimates released in 2010. Ward level Po... - Updated 9 years ago
Hospital Admissions due to Injury of Children, Borough
Department of HealthNumerators, denominators and rates of emergency hospital admissions caused by unintentional and deliberate injuries to children and young people (aged 0-17 years) by Region and Local Authority, 2003/04 to 2011/12. This data used to make up National Indicator 70 (NI70). Data available from The LGA Inform website. - Updated 9 years ago
Children's Tooth Decay
Public Health EnglandMean number of teeth, missing decayed or filled in 5 year-olds. Mean number of teeth per child sampled which were either actively decayed or had been filled or extracted. Data was only available at PCT level, and had to be apportioned to Local Authorities. This process can only be approximate where PCTs are not completely contained within Local Authorities. Data is missing for some areas, in London Greenwich and Bexley. http://fingert... - Updated 11 years ago
Comparison of estimates of 0-18 year olds
Greater London Authority (GLA)This report from the GLA Intelligence Unit compares 2011 census estimates of the population aged 0-18 to the following alternative data sources: • ONS 2010 based sub-national population projections (SNPP); • GLA 2011 round population projections; • General Practitioner registrations; and • Child benefit claims. The report is available to download here. An Excel file containing the data behind charts and tables in the report is ava... - Updated 11 years ago
Characteristics of Pupils Living in London
Greater London Authority (GLA)The GLA provides roll projections to 25 London boroughs, and has now produced pilot pan-London roll projections. These are supplemented by two sets of EXCEL files, reflecting conclusions in earlier Education Research Briefings and discussion with London boroughs. Taken together the EXCEL files include approximately 100 Tables, and provide a wide range of information on locally-resident children and on the schools they attend, wherever...