
- Updated 9 years ago
Annual London Survey 2015
GLA Opinion ResearchLondon is changing; with an expanding service-led economy, increasing wealth, consumption and leisure time for many of its residents and a growing multiplicity of tastes and preferences across a growing population. From November 3rd to December 1st, 4000 Londoners took part in Talk London’s Annual London Survey (ALS) to share their views on what makes London a great place to live, and what aspects of life in the capital could do with so... - Updated 9 years ago
London Borough of Southwark Parking Bays
London Borough of SouthwarkExtent of parking and loading bays on the highway maintained at public expense by Southwark. The data is made up of polygon features. Tabular information includes the type of parking bay, approximate amount of spaces, days and times of operation. The data has been derived from OS MasterMap and is approved by the OS under a "presumption to publish" agreement for publication under Open Government Licence (OGL 3.0). The data is also publi... - Updated 10 years ago
Annual London Survey 2014
GLA Opinion ResearchIn November 2014, 3,674 Londoners took part in the first London Survey run by Talk London, to tell us what they thought of the city and their neighbourhood. The London Survey enables us to: • Assess Londoners’ priorities across the breadth of Mayoral responsibilities • Understand Londoners’ perceptions of their quality of life • Identify those areas that require improvement, or where we need to improve outcomes for particular... - Updated 11 years ago
Annual London Survey 2010
GLA Opinion ResearchThe data is taken from a face-to-face survey of 1,490 residents of Greater London, undertaken in early 2010 by BMG Research on behalf of the GLA. The questions explore areas of Mayoral policy and priority including policing and safety, the environment, transport, the Olympics and london life. The data is available by demographic group, including gender, age, ethnicity and social class. A full report and a summary of topline results wer... - Updated 11 years ago
Characteristics of Pupils Living in London
Greater London Authority (GLA)The GLA provides roll projections to 25 London boroughs, and has now produced pilot pan-London roll projections. These are supplemented by two sets of EXCEL files, reflecting conclusions in earlier Education Research Briefings and discussion with London boroughs. Taken together the EXCEL files include approximately 100 Tables, and provide a wide range of information on locally-resident children and on the schools they attend, wherever...