- Updated 7 months ago
Index of Private Housing Rental Prices, Region
Office for National Statistics (ONS)This dataset is no longer being updated due to redevelopment of private rental prices statistics, impact analysis, UK, please see more information here: Redevelopment of private rental prices statistics, impact analysis, UK - Office for National Statistics (ons.gov.uk). The Index of Private Housing Rental Prices (IPHRP) is a quarterly experimental price index. It tracks the prices paid for renting property from private landlords in Gre... - Updated 3 years ago
Housing Tenure by Borough
Office for National Statistics (ONS)This table shows the numbers and percentages of persons and households by each housing tenure category, including, owned outright, being bought with mortgage or loan, rented from Local Authority/ Housing Association, or private landlord. Private Rented includes renting from employing organisation, another organisation, relative of household member and individual employer. Numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred. Percentages were c... - Updated 4 years ago
Workplace Employment by Public/Private Sector, Borough
Office for National Statistics (ONS)Table showing numbers of people who work in an area by public/private sector and whether full-time or part-time. Data from Business Register Employment Survey (BRES, ONS) Employment is defined as employees plus working proprietors Figures may not add up due to rounding. Figures are rounded to the nearest thousand and to one decimal place. For example 2.4 is equal to 2,400 employment, and represents a figure in the range 2,350 - 2,449. ... - Updated 5 years ago
Local Units by Public or Private Status and Single or Multi-Site, Borough
Office for National Statistics (ONS)Data shows the number of businesses (local units such as a factory or a shop) broken down by whether hold public or private status and whether single or multi-site. The private sector enterprises are further categorised by: number of private sector enterprises with more than one local unit, number of private sector enterprises with one local unit and with one or less persons employed and number of private sector enterprises with one l... - Updated 5 years ago
Average Private Rents, Borough
Valuation Office AgencySummary of average monthly rents in private rental market, recorded per 12 month rolling period. Data updated bi-annually by local authority areas for England. These statistics used to be produced quarterly but since 2013 have been updated bi-annually in Q1 and Q3 only. VOA note on these statistics: "The sample used to produce these statistics is not statistical and may not be consistent over time as such these data should not be comp... - Updated 5 years ago
Schools and Pupils by Type of School, Borough
Department for EducationTable shows numbers of all Schools and Pupils by Type of School. School types included in this publication are State-Funded Primary, Secondary and Special schools, Independent schools, Pupil Referral Units, and Alternative Provision. See DfE website Full daily dataset of all schools and pupil numbers are available from the DFE EduBase site Cartogram created from this data: - Updated 10 years ago
London Empty Homes Audit
Greater London Authority (GLA)This data relates to private sector empty homes in London that have been vacant for 12 months or more at 31 October 2010. This data was collected by the GLA from all London Boroughs. In addition to reporting the total number of such properties, the audit records factors such as size and length of time empty. In order to assist policy development and decision making, properties have been assigned a nominal priority rating based on facto... - Created 11 years ago
Empty Homes
The Empty Homes AgencyWho owns the empty homes. Each year the Department for Communities and Local Government collects data on the number of empty homes from each local authority in England and from other Government departments and bodies (HSSA Statistics). LA data are reported figures. Regions' totals include estimated values for missing data. Hence summing LA figures would not yield region's figure. LA data are reported figures. # indicates figure not su...