- Updated 3 months ago
Conservation Areas
Planning Constraints MapConservation Areas are areas where extra planning controls apply due to their special architectural and historic interest. The GIS files show the indicative boundaries, please contact the relevant London Borough to confirm accuracy. NOTE: The boundaries are based on Ordnance Survey mapping and the data is published under Ordnance Survey's 'presumption to publish'.Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database rights 2019. Greater Londo... - Created 4 months ago
Flood Risk
Planning Constraints MapThe Flood Zones show the probability of river and sea flooding, ignoring the presence of defences. There are four zones, 1, 2, 3a and 3b, that reflect the annual probability of flooding happening. This map shows all areas with more than a 1 in 1,000 annual probability of either river or sea flooding by combining zones 2, 3a and 3b. If you want to submit a planning application within these zones, you will need to do a flood risk assessme... - Updated a year ago
Opportunity Areas
Planning Constraints MapOpportunity Areas (OAs) are London’s major source of brownfield land which have significant capacity for development. Development proposals within OAs should conform with strategic directions for the OA(s). The GIS files show the indicative boundaries, please contact the relevant London Borough to confirm accuracy. NOTE: The boundaries are based on Ordnance Survey mapping and the data is published under Ordnance Survey's 'presumption to... - Updated a year ago
Central Activities Zone
Planning Constraints MapThe Central Activities Zone covers London’s geographic, economic and administrative core. It’s unique combination of uses should be promoted and enhanced while also improving its environment and attractiveness for residents, visitors and businesses alike. The GIS files show the indicative boundaries, please contact the relevant London Borough to confirm accuracy. NOTE: The boundaries are based on Ordnance Survey mapping and the data is ... - Updated a year ago
Town Centre Boundaries
Planning Constraints MapTown centres provide a range of commercial, cultural and civic activities, including shopping, leisure, employment, entertainment, culture, and social and community facilities. Their vitality and viability should be promoted to ensure they retain their importance. There are five broad types of town centres according to their scales and roles: International centres, Metropolitan centres, Major centres, District centres and Neighbourhood ... - Updated a year ago
Areas of Intensification
Planning Constraints MapIntensification Areas are built up areas with good existing or potential public transport links and can support redevelopment at higher than existing densities. They have significant capacity for new jobs and homes but at a level below that which can be achieved in the Opportunity Areas. The GIS files show the indicative boundaries, please contact the relevant London Borough to confirm accuracy. NOTE: The boundaries are based on Ordnanc... - Updated 3 years ago
London Plan Opportunity Areas
Greater London Authority (GLA)Opportunity Areas are London’s major source of brownfield land with significant capacity for new housing, commercial and other development linked to existing or potential improvements to public transport accessibility. Typically they can accommodate at least 5,000 jobs or 2,500 new homes or a combination of the two, along with other supporting facilities and infrastructure. The Opportunity Area Planning Frameworks report sets out the b... - Updated 3 years ago
Brownfield Register
Planning Constraints MapBrownfield lands are areas of previously developed land available for residential and mixed-use developments. All local planning authorities are required to publish a Brownfield Land Register to encourage delivery of housing and investment in the area. Brownfield sites that are below 0.25 hectares may not be shown on the map. The GIS files show the indicative boundaries, please contact the relevant London Borough to confirm accuracy. NO... - Updated 3 years ago
Locally Significant Industrial Sites
Planning Constraints MapLocally Significant Industrial (LSIS) Sites are sites that have particular local importance for industrial and related functions, which complement provision in SILs. The GIS files show the indicative boundaries, please contact the relevant London Borough to confirm accuracy. NOTE: The boundaries are based on Ordnance Survey mapping and the data is published under Ordnance Survey's 'presumption to publish'.Contains OS data © Crown copyri...