
- Updated 21 days ago
Bariatric incidents attended by LFB
London Fire BrigadeThe London Fire Brigade attends a range of non-fire incidents (which we call 'special services'). These 'special services' include assistance to other emergency services, including sometimes help with moving larger (i.e. bariatric) patients/people. Although the LFB does not explicitly capture and classify these types of incidents, we are able to identify them via the messages that are transmitted during incidents. We routinely get as... - Updated 4 years ago
Prevalence of Childhood Obesity, Borough, Ward and MSOA
Department of HealthPrevalence of underweight, healthy weight, overweight and obese children. The data covers children in Reception year (aged 4-5) and Year 6 (aged 10-11) There is the potential for error in the collection, collation and interpretation of the data (bias may be introduced due to poor response rates and selective opt out of larger children which it is not possible to control for). The National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) does not i... - Updated 9 years ago
Public Health Outcomes Framework Indicators
Public Health EnglandThis data originates from the Public Health Outcomes tool currently presents data for available indicators for upper tier local authority levels, collated by Public Health England (PHE). The data currently published here are the baselines for the Public Health Outcomes Framework, together with more recent data where these are available. The baseline period is 2010 or equivalent, unless these data are unavailable or not deemed to be of ... - Updated 10 years ago
Obesity in Adults
Department of HealthThe spreadsheet contains regional level obesity trend data from the the HSE, BMI data from Understanding Society, and adjusted prevalence of underweight, healthy weight, overweight, and obesity by local authority from the Active People Survey. Understanding Society data shows the percentage of the population aged 10 and over by their Body Mass Index Classification, covering underweight, normal weight, overweight, and three classes of o... - Updated 11 years ago
Healthy Lifestyle Behaviours
Department of HealthRange of modelled indicators of health lifestyle choices. These estimates must be used with caution. They will almost certainly not mirror precisely any available measures from local studies or surveys (although research by NatCen and others have shown that they tend to be related). 1) Current smoking among adults (aged 16 or over). Current smokers were defined in the HSfE if the respondent reported that they were a 'current cigarett...