Smallest Geography
Greater London
(4) - Updated 3 years ago
LFB financial and performance reporting 2021/22
London Fire BrigadeAs part of budget guidance, the Mayor asks that the LFB (London Fire Commissioner) publish financial and performance monitoring. The aim is that this information is available on our external website within 25 working days after each quarter end. From 1 April 2018, the London Fire Commissioner is the fire and rescue authority for London, and the LFC runs the London Fire Brigade. - Updated 3 years ago
LFB financial and performance reporting 2020/21
London Fire BrigadeAs part of budget guidance, the Mayor asks that the LFB (London Fire Commissioner) publish financial and performance monitoring. The aim is that this information is available on our external website within 25 working days after each quarter end. There is a separate page for each financial/performance year. From 1 April 2018, the London Fire Commissioner is the fire and rescue authority for London, and the LFC runs the London Fire Briga... - Updated 5 years ago
LFB financial and performance reporting 2019/20
London Fire BrigadeAs part of budget guidance, the Mayor asks that the LFB (London Fire Commissioner) publish financial and performance monitoring. The aim is that this information is available on our external website within 25 working days after each quarter end. Quarterly financial and performance monitoring for 2017/18 is available here and for 2018/19 is here. From 1 April 2018, the London Fire Commissioner is the fire and rescue authority for London... - Updated 5 years ago
LFB financial and performance reporting 2018/19
London Fire BrigadeAs part of his budget guidance, the Mayor requested that the LFB (London Fire Commissioner) publish financial and performance monitoring, and that this information should be available on our external website within 25 working days after each quarter end. The Mayor's budget guidance for 2019/20 for LFB and other functional bodies can be found in the GLA website here. From 1 April 2018, the London Fire Commissioner is the fire and rescue ... - Updated 6 years ago
London Average Air Quality Levels
King's College LondonThe data shows roadside and background average readings for Nitric Oxide, Nitrogen Dioxide, Oxides of Nitrogen, Ozone, Particulate Matter (PM10 and PM2.5), and Sulphur Dioxide. Measured in Micrograms per Cubic Meter of Air (ug/m3). The spreadsheet shows which Index level each reading falls in, and contains charts showing pollutant levels by time of day per month. Trend graphs of Nitrogen Dioxide and Particulate Matter PM2.5 are on th...