- Updated 5 years ago
National Insurance Number Registrations of Overseas Nationals, Borough and MSOA
Department for Work and PensionsNational Insurance Number (NINo) registrations to adult overseas nationals entering the UK by year of registration, by country of origin. 100% extract from National Insurance Recording System. Figures are rounded to the nearest ten. Some additional disclosure control has been applied. Totals may not sum due to rounding method used. Registration date is derived from the date at which a NINo is maintained on the National Insurance Reco... - Updated 6 years ago
Migrants to the United Kingdom by Decade of Arrival, Borough
Office for National Statistics (ONS)Number of migrants by decade of arrival to the United Kingdom. Includes all decades since 1970. Data shown for years 2004 to 2016. Numbers are rounded to nearest thousand. Figures are based on surveys and 95% confidence intervals are provided. Special Licence Access data to the Annual Population Survey. Approved ONS Researchers only. - Updated 12 years ago
Diversity in London - Report Data
Census Information SchemeData and figures from the Census Information Scheme briefing on Diversity in London (CIS2013-04).