
Department for Education
Smallest Geography
Local Authority
(2) - Updated a month ago
GCSE Results by Borough
Department for EducationData on GCSE and equivalent entries and achievments at the end of Key Stage 4 by gender and location of school/educational institution. This dataset contains data on GCSE results using the 1-9 grading system. This system has replaced the old A*-G grading system. The two main indicators are Attainment 8 and Progress 8, these are explained below. Attainment 8 - This indicator measures pupils' average grade across eight subjects. These ar... - Updated 7 years ago
GCSE Results by Borough (Old Grading System)
Department for EducationThis dataset will no longer be updated. For the latest figures click here. GCSE and equivalent results in maintained schools by gender and location of school/educational institution up to the school year 2014/15. Also includes data by region by ethnic group, language, and free school meal (FSM) eligibility. This dataset contains data on GCSE results using the old A*-G grading system. This system has since been superceded by the new 1-...