Greater London Authority (GLA)
Smallest Geography
(No further facets)- Updated 9 years ago
A Fairer London: The Living Wage in London
Greater London Authority (GLA)Since 2006 the GLA Group has been implementing the London Living Wage (LLW).The Group continues to include the LLW as a requirement for contracts that are let or renewed. We calculate the Living Wage by a combination of two approaches. The first, developed by the Family Budget Unit (FBU), estimates the costs of a ‘Low Cost but Acceptable’ (LCA) budget for a selection of households and calculates the wage required to meet these costs. T... - Created 10 years ago
Current Issues Note: Regional, sub-regional and local gross value added estimates for London
Greater London Authority (GLA)Current Issue Note 43 In December 2014 the Office for National Statistics (ONS) released provisional estimates of regional, sub-regional and local gross value added (GVA) for 2013 (although industry breakdowns of the data are for 2012) measured by the income approach. Also published in December 2014 were experimental results for regional real GVA as measured by the production approach for the years 1998 to 2012. This note presents the ...