London Fire Brigade
(2) - Updated 11 days ago
Fires in London - cause of ignition is white goods
London Fire BrigadeThe London Fire Brigade attend a number of fires each year where the ignition source of the fire is recorded as 'white goods' (e.g. washing machine, dishwasher, refrigerator). This data sets provides details of such fires by London borough and ward location, and the type of white goods concerned as well as the property type where the fire happened. Where known, the brand and model of the white goods item is included, although this is ad... - Updated 2 years ago
Fires in Greater London - Fire Facts
London Fire BrigadeOur Fire Facts report Fires in Greater London provides the most in depth review of fire data in LFB's 150 year history. The publicly available data (2000 to 2021) is divided into four sections: long term trends, where fires happen, fires in the home and fires in other buildings. The published Fire Facts is available on the LFB website. The underpinning data for the publication for the latest report is available in an Excel file. For dat...