London Fire Brigade
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Greater London
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(1) - Updated a month ago
London Fire Brigade Mobilisation Records
London Fire BrigadeLondon Fire Brigade is the busiest fire and rescue service in the country and one of the largest firefighting and rescue organisations in the world. This dataset contains the details of every fire engine (pumping appliance) sent to an incident since January 2009. Information is provided for the appliance mobilised, where it was deployed from and the times recorded for arriving at the incident. The main dataset on this page (zip file) co... - Updated a month ago
London Fire Brigade Incident Records
London Fire BrigadeLondon Fire Brigade is the busiest fire and rescue service in the country and one of the largest firefighting and rescue organisations in the world. On this page, we publish details of every incident attended by the London Fire Brigade since 1 January 2009. Below is a dashboard that allows you to interact with this data and drill down to Ward or Postcode level. If you have any questions about this tool please email - Updated a month ago
Home Fire Safety Visits by London Borough
London Fire BrigadeThe London Fire Brigade carries out home fire safety visits (HFSVs) across London. For more details see the LFB website here. During the HFSV fire safety advice will be provided to the owner/occupier, and smoke alarms will be installed. The visits are free, and the LFB website explains how to request a visit. This data set shows the number of HFSVs carried out in each London borough. Most visits are carried out by fire station crews, an... - Updated a year ago
Fatal fires in Greater London - Fire Facts
London Fire BrigadeThis Fire Facts publication - first published in 2018 - provides a range of statistical data about fire deaths in London. It includes a time series of data back to 1966, data for fire deaths by London borough, where people die, what causes the fires where people die, plus ethnicity and gender data about those who die in fires. - Updated 2 years ago
Incident response times - Fire Facts
London Fire BrigadeThis Fire Facts report sets out the key information on the response times to the 999 calls received by the London Fire Brigade. It includes data and analysis on the various stages of emergency response from how long it takes people to call the fire brigade when a fire starts to how long it takes to handle the 999 call and for fire engines to arrive on scene and resolve the incident. The methodology for counting fire engine response time... - Updated 3 years ago
LFB electronic Purchasing Card Solution (ePCS) transactions
London Fire BrigadePayments (of any value) using electronic purchasing card solution (ePCS); the ePCS has replaced the government procurement card (GPC), made by the London Fire Brigade as required to be published by the government's Local Government Transparency Code 2015. Data is published quarterly. LFB does not currently make extensive use of the ePCS. The London Fire Commissioner is the fire authority for Greater London and runs the London Fire Briga... - Updated 3 years ago
LFB senior staff salary information
London Fire BrigadeThe London Fire Brigade (LFB) publishes details of certain senior staff as required by the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 (Statutory Instrument 2015/234) as part of its annual accounts: the number of employees whose remuneration in that year was at least £50,000 in brackets of £5,000 details of remuneration and job title of certain senior employees whose salary is at least £50,000, and employees whose salaries are £150,000 or more... - Updated 4 years ago
Land and Property Owned or Occupied by LFEPA
London Fire BrigadeDetails of land and property owned/occupied by LFEPA (London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority/London Fire Brigade) is available in the Land and Property Database, including whether freehold/leasehold interest, size of site/accommodation, use, address including postcode. - Updated 5 years ago
Primary fires in schools in London
London Fire BrigadeThis data set is for primary fires in schools (nursery, infant/primary and secondary) attended by the London Fire Brigade in 2015, 2016 and 2017 (calendar years). The data includes the date/time of the fire incident, fire motive, firefighting action, type of schools, extent of fire spread, name and address, including postcode, borough/ward, whether inner or outer London, main cause of the fire, location where the fire started, first ite... - Updated 6 years ago
Incidents attended by LFB, by type and borough
London Fire BrigadeLondon Fire Brigade (LFB) data covering all incidents attended by month back to January 2013, broken down by incident type: All fires attended - broken down by primary* and secondary fires Deliberate fires attended Dwelling & non-dwelling fires attended False alarms attended Road Traffic Accidents attended Vehicle fires attended - broken down by deliberate/accidental/unknown Open space fires attended - broken down by deliberate/acciden...