
Census Information Scheme
Department for Education
Office for National Statistics (ONS)
GLA Demography
Greater London Authority (GLA)
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- Updated 2 months ago
GCSE Results by Borough
Department for EducationData on GCSE and equivalent entries and achievments at the end of Key Stage 4 by gender and location of school/educational institution. This dataset contains data on GCSE results using the 1-9 grading system. This system has replaced the old A*-G grading system. The two main indicators are Attainment 8 and Progress 8, these are explained below. Attainment 8 - This indicator measures pupils' average grade across eight subjects. These ar... - Updated a year ago
Participation of Under-Represented Groups in Higher Education
Higher Education Statistics AgencyThe UK Performance Indicators (which included non-continuation rates) have been discontinued after the 2020/21 release. These data provide information about the participation of certain groups that are under-represented in higher education. The data includes the percentage of students from state schools or colleges, specified socio-economic classes and low-participation neighbourhoods and provide a breakdown by Higher Education institu... - Updated 2 years ago
Fatal fires in Greater London - Fire Facts
London Fire BrigadeThis Fire Facts publication - first published in 2018 - provides a range of statistical data about fire deaths in London. It includes a time series of data back to 1966, data for fire deaths by London borough, where people die, what causes the fires where people die, plus ethnicity and gender data about those who die in fires. - Updated 3 years ago
Ethnic Groups by Borough
Office for National Statistics (ONS)Table showing ethnic group statistics by aggregated groupings. Categories covered: White - includes White British, Irish, Gypsy or Irish Traveller, and Other Black - includes Black African, Caribbean, and Other Asian - includes Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Chinese and Other Mixed/Other - includes White and Black Caribbean, White and Asian, White and Black African, Other Mixed, Arab and any Other ethnicity not covered above. ... - Created 3 years ago
Review of Ethnic Population Data Sources
GLA DemographyThere are a number of sources for estimates of the size and distribution of ethnic group populations in England. These estimates vary in quality, accuracy, timeliness, and detail; in some cases, the underlying definition of what constitutes the resident population is different. This document outlines in some detail the major sources of ethnic group information currently available at the national and regional level. It also gives a brief... - Updated 5 years ago
Percentage of Pupils by Ethnic Group, Borough
Department for EducationPrimary and secondary pupils by ethnic group. Pupils of compulsory school age and above were classified according to ethnic group. Excludes dually registered pupils. National, regional, Local Authority totals and totals across ethnic groups have been rounded to the nearest 10. Number of pupils by ethnic group expressed as a percentage of the total number of pupils of compulsory school age and above. # 1 or 2 pupils, or a rate based ... - Updated 7 years ago
GCSE Results by Borough (Old Grading System)
Department for EducationThis dataset will no longer be updated. For the latest figures click here. GCSE and equivalent results in maintained schools by gender and location of school/educational institution up to the school year 2014/15. Also includes data by region by ethnic group, language, and free school meal (FSM) eligibility. This dataset contains data on GCSE results using the old A*-G grading system. This system has since been superceded by the new 1-... - Updated 9 years ago
Detailed Ethnicity by Age & Sex Ward Tools (2011 Census)
Census Information SchemeA set of tools created by the Census Information Scheme that allows users to explore data from 2011 Census Commissioned Table CT0225: Age by ethnic group by sex. The excel tool allows users to explore the data in four different ways: Top 10 Ethnic Groups By All Wards In Borough - filter table by borough, age and sex Age Comparison - filter by borough, ethnicity and sex Sex Comparison - filter by borough, ethnicity and age Top 30 ... - Updated 11 years ago
London Debt Advice Clients
Greater London Authority (GLA)This dataset combines information on debt advice clients from three agencies working in London. This dataset is built from information recorded by debt advice agencies on their client databases. It therefore does not provide a complete picture of debt in London, but helps to understand the characteristics of those seeking debt advice. The data are aggregated from three separate sources, and categories have been matched where possible t...