London Borough of Redbridge
Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG)
Smallest Geography
Local Authority
(2) - Updated 2 years ago
Planning and Development Control Statistics, Borough
Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG)Planning decisions by: type of development, speed of decision, type and speed, major or minor and enforcement actions. Regional figures are rounded and do not necessarily sum to the independently rounded national figures. Speed of Decision: Figures exclude 'county matters' decisions. The percentages do not relate directly to the total number of decisions taken, as some applications (eg. an application for a determination as to whether... - Updated 10 years ago
Redbridge Planning Development Control
London Borough of RedbridgePlanning application and development control. Quarterly return on volume, fees and performance against national indicators. The data supplied has been extracted from the authority's operational system and has been subject to periodic quality checks.