
UK Power Networks
Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
Greater London Authority (GLA)
Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG)
(1) - Updated 3 years ago
SmartMeter Energy Consumption Data in London Households
UK Power NetworksEnergy consumption readings for a sample of 5,567 London Households that took part in the UK Power Networks led Low Carbon London project between November 2011 and February 2014. Readings were taken at half hourly intervals. The customers in the trial were recruited as a balanced sample representative of the Greater London population. The dataset contains energy consumption, in kWh (per half hour), unique household identifier, date and ... - Updated 5 years ago
Low Emission Bus Zones
Greater London Authority (GLA)Low Emission Bus Zones use buses with top-of-the-range engines and exhaust systems that meet or exceed the highest Euro VI emissions standards. The zones have been prioritised in the worst air quality hotspots outside central London where buses contribute significantly to road transport emissions. Information includes length of route, estimated emissions reduction and date of implementation (or 'in development). For more information on ... - Updated 7 years ago
Total Energy Consumption, Borough
Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS)Estimates of total final energy consumption by sector. Energy consumption from domestic, transport and industrial source broken down by key energy type (coal, gas, petroleum products, manufactured fuels, renewables and electricity). Data is measured in Gwh Ktoe - Kilotonnes of Oil Equivalent. GWh - Gigawatt Hours. Visit the BEIS website - Created 10 years ago
Energy Certificates for Public Buildings
Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG)Display Energy Certificate (DEC) Register dataset for all UK public buildings. Energy use, floorspace, emissions and efficiency ratings for 40,000 buildings of over 1,000m2 in England and Wales that are visited by the public. DECs for individual buildings can be downloaded from using the Certificate Reference Number (variable RRN in the datasets). Errors in the data collection or data entry can result in a build...