Transport for London (TfL)
Smallest Geography
Greater London
(1) - Updated 14 hours ago
Transport Crime in London
Transport for London (TfL)Number of crimes and crime rate by type of public transport, including bus, LU / DLR, London Overground, and London Tramlink. Monthly data released 3 months at a time at end of each quarter. The BTP is responsible for policing the rail network in London, including the TfL managed London Underground (LU), the Docklands Light Railway (DLR), London Tramlink and the London Overground (LO) services. Crime figures for the LU, DLR, London Tram... - Updated 11 years ago
TfL Timetable Listings
Transport for London (TfL)Multimodal working timetable data from the TfL Journey Planner, including Tube, Bus and DLR. Please note that this data is updated weekly (every Thursday morning) by Transport for London. You should check the TfL Developer portal for details of the latest data updates.