Employment and Skills
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- Updated a day ago
Unemployment Rate, Region
Office for National Statistics (ONS)Unemployment numbers and rates for those aged 16 or over. The unemployed population consists of those people out of work, who are actively looking for work and are available to start immediately. Unemployed numbers and rates also shown for equalities groups, by age, sex, ethnic group, and disability. The data are taken from the Labour Force Survey and Annual Population Survey, produced by the Office for National Statistics. The data are... - Updated 3 months ago
Employment Rates by Disability
Office for National Statistics (ONS)This table shows working age population that has a disability and Employment, unemployment, economic activity and inactivity rates by disability (includes Equalities Act Core disabled, DDA & work-limiting disabled) The definition of ‘disability’ under the Equality Act 2010 shows a person has a disability if: - they have a physical or mental impairment - the impairment has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability ... - Updated 6 months ago
Employment Rates by Gender and Age or Disability, Borough
Office for National Statistics (ONS)Employment rates broken down by gender, age or disability. The data are taken from the Annual Population Survey (APS), produced by the Office for National Statistics. Employment Rate by Gender, for working age, and Age groups: 16-24, 25-34, 35-49, 50-64, and disability groups: All disabled, Both DDA & also work-limiting, DDA only disabled, Work-limiting only disabled, Not disabled, recently replaced with: Equality Act core or work-limi... - Updated 5 years ago
Healthy and Disability-Free Life Expectancy
Office for National Statistics (ONS)This dataset contains healthy life expectancy and disability-free life expectancy by gender, from birth and age 65. Health life expectancy is defined as the average number of years a person aged 'x' would live in good/fairly good health if he or she experiences the particular area's age-specific mortality and health rates throughout their life. Disability-free life expectancy is defined as the average number of years a person aged 'x'... - Updated 5 years ago
Incapacity Benefit Claimants, Borough
Department for Work and PensionsIncapacity Benefit (IB) replaced Sickness Benefit and Invalidity Benefit from 13 April 1995. It is paid to people who are assessed as being incapable of work and who meet certain contribution conditions. There are three rates of Incapacity Benefit. There are two short-term rates: the lower rate (IBST(L)) is paid for the first 28 weeks of sickness and the higher rate (IBST(H)) for weeks 29 to 52. The long-term rate (IBLT) applies to peo... - Updated 6 years ago
Incapacity Benefit or Employment Support Allowance Recipients due to Mental Illness
Department for Work and PensionsIncapacity Benefit and Employment support claimants due to Mental Illness Number of working-age Incapacity Benefit and Employment Support Allowance claimants, where the reason is Mental and behavioural disorders. Data is for May each year Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) replaced Incapacity Benefit and Income Support paid on the grounds of incapacity for new claims from 27th October 2008. Claimants/beneficiaries of incapacity ... - Updated 9 years ago
Number of Registered Blind and Partially Sighted People by Age Group, Borough
Department of HealthThis data shows the number of people registered with Councils with Adult Social Services Responsibilities (CASSRs) in England as being blind and partially sighted by age, for years ending 31 March. Age groups are: 0-4, 5-17, 18-49, 50-64, 65-74, 75 and over. A decision was made to bring the most recent collection forward by a year for collection in 2008, due to concerns regarding the fall in the number of people newly registered as bl... - Updated 9 years ago
Number of Registered Blind and Partially Sighted People with an Additional Disability by Category, Borough
Department of HealthThis Data shows the number of people registered with Councils with Adult Social Services Responsibilities (CASSRs) in England as being blind and partially sighted with an additional disability by category of disability, for years ending 31 March. Categories include: Mental illness only, learning disabilities only, physical disabilities only, deaf without speech, deaf with speech, hard of hearing, mental illness and other disabilities,... - Created 10 years ago
2011 Census Key Findings Summaries
Census Information SchemeRelease-day summaries of key findings for the 2011 Census - Updated 11 years ago
Disability and Mobility, London
Office for Disability IssuesTable shows disability and mobility data for London and Rest of the UK, for working age (16-64) and all adults (16+). Data includes population with mobility difficulties, people who use special equipment to help be mobile, people with a mobility impairment, and people who currently have 'DDA' Disability. The definition of ‘DDA disability’ under the Equality Act 2010 shows a person has a disability if: they have a ph...