- Updated a month ago
Mayoral Development Corporation Boundary
Greater London Authority (GLA)GIS files showing the boundary of the new Mayoral Development Corporation following the consultation period from February to April 2011. Data is available in either ESRI shapefile or MapInfo TAB format. - Updated 2 months ago
Area of Designated Green Belt Land
Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG)Area of Designated Green Belt Land (hectares). Only london boroughs with some greenbelt land shown. A GIS of this land for all of England has now been made available by DCLG. Download the GIS Zip file (27MB) External link: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/green-belt-statistics - Updated 4 months ago
London Plan Business Improvement Districts
Greater London Authority (GLA)A Business Improvement District (BID) is a defined area within which local businesses are required to pay an additional levy. The collected tax will be invested locally to fund projects within the district's boundaries. The BID is often funded primarily through the levy but can also draw on other public and private funding streams. There are currently 70 London BIDs with new ones being developed every year. Note: The dataset was created... - Updated 2 years ago
Planning and Development Control Statistics, Borough
Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG)Planning decisions by: type of development, speed of decision, type and speed, major or minor and enforcement actions. Regional figures are rounded and do not necessarily sum to the independently rounded national figures. Speed of Decision: Figures exclude 'county matters' decisions. The percentages do not relate directly to the total number of decisions taken, as some applications (eg. an application for a determination as to whether... - Updated 3 years ago
London Plan Opportunity Areas
Greater London Authority (GLA)Opportunity Areas are London’s major source of brownfield land with significant capacity for new housing, commercial and other development linked to existing or potential improvements to public transport accessibility. Typically they can accommodate at least 5,000 jobs or 2,500 new homes or a combination of the two, along with other supporting facilities and infrastructure. The Opportunity Area Planning Frameworks report sets out the b... - Updated 3 years ago
GLA Population Yield Calculator
Greater London Authority (GLA)The GLA Population Yield Calculator is a tool for estimating population yield from new housing development. The calculator provides users with an indication of the possible number and age of children that could be expected to live in a new housing development of a given bedroom or tenure mix. Please see the calculator’s methodology document for further details and user guidance. The calculator is in XLSX (Excel 2007 and later) form... - Updated 7 years ago
GLA Group Land Assets
Greater London Authority (GLA)Data showing the location of the GLA Group's land and property holdings and development opportunities. This data is available to view interactively on the GLA Land and Property Database. - Updated 9 years ago
Land Use - Previously Developed Land, Borough
Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG)An estimate of the amount of previously-developed (or brownfield) land in England which may be available for re-development, and also an estimate of the potential number of dwellings that could be provided on this land. Available to Lower Super Outpur Area (LSOA). Download from DCLG website - Updated 11 years ago
Redbridge Planning Development Control
London Borough of RedbridgePlanning application and development control. Quarterly return on volume, fees and performance against national indicators. The data supplied has been extracted from the authority's operational system and has been subject to periodic quality checks. - Updated 11 years ago
Land Use Change for Dwellings, Borough
Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG)Land use change: Proportion of new dwellings on previously developed land and density of new dwellings. Data is for four years combined for reliability. Regional data is available for single years on Communities and Local Government website. The data in the table above are based on records received from Ordnance Survey up to March 2010. The table is therefore consistent with the Statistical Release published on 30th July 2010. There ...