Greater London Authority (GLA)
(5) - Created 2 years ago
Government Consultation Response to Level 2 and below qualifications in England
Greater London Authority (GLA) - Updated 4 years ago
Bishopsgate Goodsyard Regulation 22 consultation documents
Greater London Authority (GLA)Documents for the Regulation 22 consultation on the planning application at Bishopsgate Goodsyard, PDU reference 1200c, including Socio-Economic Assessment, Noise Contour Plots, LDS Draft Addendum, Transport Technical Note Addendum, LUC Review of the Environment Statement and Daylight and Sunlight Assessment. More information on the GLA website. - Created 5 years ago
9, 11 and 19 Osiers Road public hearing documents
Greater London Authority (GLA)Documents for the public hearing on the application for development at 9, 11 and 19 Osiers Road, GLA case reference 4558. More details can be found at - Updated 9 years ago
Ask Boris social media monitoring
Greater London Authority (GLA)Monthly Tweetreach reports monitoring the online metrics for the Mayor of London's 'Ask Boris' Twitter sessions. Each report is generated against the search term, hashtag #askboris and is run from the day before the session starts to the end of the day the session takes place. Data includes: Reach: The number of unique Twitter accounts that received tweets about the session Exposure: The number of impressions generated by tweets in the ... - Created 10 years ago
GLA response to ONS international migration country groupings
Greater London Authority (GLA)The GLA's response to the ONS international migration statistics country groupings consultation