- Updated 4 years ago
Road Casualties by Severity
Department for TransportCasualties on the roads by severity (Killed/seriously injured or slight injuries) for both child and all casualties by borough since 2004. Casualties by 5 year age group and severity for London and Great Britain. Data presented is for personal injury road traffic collisions occurring on the public highway, and reported to the police, in accordance with the Stats 19 national reporting system. Also available: Casualties on the roads b... - Updated 6 years ago
Incidents attended by LFB, by type and borough
London Fire BrigadeLondon Fire Brigade (LFB) data covering all incidents attended by month back to January 2013, broken down by incident type: All fires attended - broken down by primary* and secondary fires Deliberate fires attended Dwelling & non-dwelling fires attended False alarms attended Road Traffic Accidents attended Vehicle fires attended - broken down by deliberate/accidental/unknown Open space fires attended - broken down by deliberate/acciden... - Updated 10 years ago
Road Collisions by Severity
Department for TransportRoad Collisions Data by fatal, serious or slight severity casualty groups by borough and ward. An collision is classed by the worst level of casualty. For example if an accident caused 1 slight injury, 2 serious injuries, and 1 fatality, the collision would be classed as fatal. Road casualty statistics can be found at a separate page. Accident and casualty data can also be found on DFT's Road Safety Data page. See more on the UKDA w... - Updated 10 years ago
Pedal Cyclist Casualties, Killed and Seriously Injured
Transport for London (TfL)Pedal Cyclist Casualties in London, Killed and Seriously Injured, 1989-2014. Data shows cyclists who were killed, serious injured and slight injured. Data presented is for personal injury road traffic collisions occurring on the public highway, and reported to the police, in accordance with the Stats 19 national reporting system. Click here to visit the Transport for London Road Safety pages