- Updated 4 years ago
Just transition initial analysis by industry group in London
Greater London Authority (GLA)These slides begin to explore the potential impacts of the transition to a net-zero carbon and circular economy on different industry groups and workers in London. It should be noted that this analysis has not been based on London’s emissions as reported through the London Energy and Greenhouse Gas Inventory (LEGGI). Instead we use UK level data on emissions and energy consumption by industry group and apportion to a London level using ... - Updated 7 years ago
Total Energy Consumption, Borough
Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS)Estimates of total final energy consumption by sector. Energy consumption from domestic, transport and industrial source broken down by key energy type (coal, gas, petroleum products, manufactured fuels, renewables and electricity). Data is measured in Gwh Ktoe - Kilotonnes of Oil Equivalent. GWh - Gigawatt Hours. Visit the BEIS website - Updated 7 years ago
Low Carbon Generators
Greater London Authority (GLA)Listing of low carbon energy generators installed on GLA group properties as requested in question 2816/2010 to the Mayor during the September 2010 Mayor's Question Time. To date information has been provided by the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority, the GLA and the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS). Transport for London has provided interim data, and further data will follow. GLA csv LFEPA csv MPS csv TfL csv LFEPA Dat... - Created 10 years ago
Areas that qualify for Carbon Saving Community Obligation (CSCo) support
Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS)List of areas (LSOAs) that qualify for Carbon Saving Community Obligation (CSCo) support under the ECO element of the Green Deal. The Energy Company Obligation (ECO) is designed to complement the domestic Green Deal in a number of areas. The areas of low income that will be eligible for ECO support have been selected using the Indices of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) in England, Scotland and Wales. In England, Scotland and Wales the lowe... - Updated 11 years ago
Environmental Footprint Data, Borough
Stockholm Environment InstituteData showing Ecological Footprint, Carbon Footprint, GHG (Greenhouse Gases) Footprint by borough. The ecological footprint is in global hectares per capita. The carbon footprint is in tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) per capita. The greenhouse gas footprint is in tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2eq) per capita. See more on the SEI website.