- Updated 2 months ago
Number of Buses by Type of Bus in London
Transport for London (TfL)Number of buses in the TFL fleet by type of bus in London. The fleet size varies slightly from year to year in relation to the placing of route contracts. The hydrogen fuel cell buses are also hybrid. - Updated 9 years ago
Road Transport Energy Consumption, Borough
Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS)Estimates of road transport consumption statistics for fuels used in road transport. (1) Personal travel includes buses, diesel cars, petrol cars and motorcycles. (2) Freight includes HGV, diesel LGV and petrol LGV. The UK total excludes motorcycles in Northern Ireland. There were major revisions to this data due to improvements in methodology, for more details please see the General Guidance Note. 2002-04 are experimental statisti... - Updated 9 years ago
TfL Bus Stop Locations and Routes
Transport for London (TfL)TfL's operates one of the largest bus networks in the world consisting of over 19,000 bus stops and approximately 700 routes served by some 8000 buses daily. This datafile defines the network in terms of routes and stops and stop-sequences allowing third parties to accurately locate bus stops and to plot bus routes and services. Find out more about the feeds available from Transport for London. The live data is only available followin... - Updated 10 years ago
TfL Timetable Listings
Transport for London (TfL)Multimodal working timetable data from the TfL Journey Planner, including Tube, Bus and DLR. Please note that this data is updated weekly (every Thursday morning) by Transport for London. You should check the TfL Developer portal for details of the latest data updates. - Created 11 years ago
Bus Use and Supply Data 1999-2022
Transport for London (TfL)Data and technical analysis for London Assembly Transport Committee report on bus services in London (October 2013). The technical analysis published in support of the Transport Committee's report on bus services in London includes: - the number of bus passenger journeys in London compared to rest of England for 2004/5-2012/13; - annual actual and forecast bus passenger journeys and bus kilometres operated for 1999-2022; - number of...