- Updated 6 months ago
Cycle Hire availability
Transport for London (TfL)This TfL feed contains the name, location, co-ordinates and maximum number of docking points for all operational Santander Cycle Hire docking stations. It also contains the number of available bikes (excluding locked or faulty bikes), and number of available docking points. Documentation is available from the TfL Unified API - Updated 3 years ago
Cycle Flows on the TFL Road Network
Transport for London (TfL)This dataset will no longer be updated. Cycle flows on the Transport for London Road Network (TLRN). The purpose of this indicator is to assess the level of cycle use on the TLRN. The overall ambition is to increase cycling levels by 400% such that by 2025 cycling will equate to a 5% mode share of all journey trips. This indicator does not represent cycling across London as a whole, It only represents cycling on the 5% of London’s road... - Created 9 years ago
London Borough of Southwark Cycle Parking
London Borough of SouthwarkInformation about this data is available on the data.gov.uk website: https://data.gov.uk/dataset/southwark-cycle-parking - Updated 10 years ago
Pedal Cyclist Casualties, Killed and Seriously Injured
Transport for London (TfL)Pedal Cyclist Casualties in London, Killed and Seriously Injured, 1989-2014. Data shows cyclists who were killed, serious injured and slight injured. Data presented is for personal injury road traffic collisions occurring on the public highway, and reported to the police, in accordance with the Stats 19 national reporting system. Click here to visit the Transport for London Road Safety pages - Updated 10 years ago
TfL Cycle Hire Locations
Transport for London (TfL)Name and coordinates of the Santander Cycle Hire docking station locations launched in Summer 2010. (Click here) - Updated 11 years ago
Travel to Work by Bicycle, Ward
Office for National Statistics (ONS)The spreadsheet shows numbers and percentages of people in work aged 16-74 who travel to work by bicycle for all wards in London, from 2001 and 2011 Census. Included percentage point change, and rankings. Top 10 Wards in 2011: Rank, Ward name, Borough name, % travel by bicycle, 2011 1 Queensbridge, Hackney, 19.1 2 Clissold, Hackney, 18.9 3, Stoke Newington Central, Hackney, 18.8 4 Dalston, Hackney, 18.3, 5, Hackney Downs, Hack...