This dataset contains voltage, current, power, energy, and weather data from low-voltage substations and domestic premises with high uptake of solar photovoltaic (PV) embedded generation.
Data collected as part of the project run by UK Power Networks.
Validation of Photovoltaic Connection Assessment Tool
The project collected a rich dataset at domestic sites with Solar Panels. The data set comprises of 25,775 days-worth of data, and over 171 million individual measurements.
Key stats about the dataset:
- 20 substations and 10 domestic premises
- Collected over 480 days - 27 July 2013 to 19 November 2014
- 10 minute intervals over all time recorded, 1 minute intervals in summer 2014
- 10-minute measurements prior to 10 June 2014, aggregated to hourly minima and maxima
Several important findings are presented in the final project report (link above). For any further queries please email
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