Created 9 years ago, updated 25 days ago

The Local Government Transparency Code 2015 requires the publication of details of every invitation to tender for contracts to provide goods/services with a value that exceeds £5,000. Details of LFB tender invitations of £10,000 or more are available on the London datastore here. In accordance with the LFB scheme of governance, tenders are not invited for goods/services under £10,000 in value. The LGA and DCLG advise that to publish details of purchase orders between £5,000 and £10,000 in order to comply with the Transparency Code 2015.

Note 1: Because of the way the LFB purchasing system works, we are not currently able to determine which purchase orders relate to contracts of £10,000 or more and which do not. We are working to improve this.

Note 2: An error in the way the data was presented has been identified (January 2019) in that the order total value was not correctly stated in the data presented (col. N). The issue has been corrected from Q1 2018/19 (April 2018 onwards).

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