Created 10 years ago, updated 3 years ago

A list of businesses located in London showing a range of information including company name, address, postcode, local authority, and SIC code (industry).

The Free Company Data Product is a downloadable data snapshot containing basic company data of live companies on the register. The version available from Companies House has all UK business and is available to download in a series of Zip folders.

The London cut available to download here, was created using a postcode list. Therefore, if there is an error in the postcode, or some other problem caused the postcode listed not to match a London postcode, those business will not be included in the file. Furthermore, inaccuracies in postcodes may mean that no local authority is listed for a company.

Each entry represents a financial accounts submission of either a whole company or part of one. Some businesses have more than one entry in the directory because they need to submit more than one set of accounts for different parts of their business. Therefore, the number of entries in the directory will be greater than the number of businesses.

Note, Large file size - the Excel file is almost 600MB.

Companies House update the latest snapshot within 5 working days of the previous month end. The London file available here was published on 1 May 2018.

Further metadata and user guidance is available here.


Warning: Large file size

  Local Authority   Other   Lower Super Output Area   Ward   Middle Super Output Area   Output Area
A small sample of the main file for checking field headings and data structure.