Created 5 years ago, updated 5 years ago

London’s Cycling Infrastructure Database (CID) is the world’s largest and most comprehensive database of cycling infrastructure, containing comprehensive details of cycling infrastructure in the Capital. The CID is intended to address barriers to cycling by providing Londoners with clear and accurate information about cycling infrastructure, helping them plan cycle journeys with confidence. The CID is a core part of our Cycling Action Plan , which sets out how TfL, boroughs and others will work together to make London the world’s best big city for cycling.

To create the database, TfL have surveyed every street in every London borough to collect information on over 240,000 pieces of infrastructure, covering an area of 1,595 square kilometres.

The database also contains 480,000 photographs of cycling infrastructure, allowing users to see exactly what can be found on street. For example, cycle parking users will be able to see what type of parking is available. TfL collected data of 146,000 cycle parking spaces across London, as well as gathering information on 2,000km of cycle routes and 58,000 wayfinding signs.

An update to TfL's own Journey Planner means that people using the planner for cycle journeys can now see the nearest and most convenient place to park for every journey. Third party developers will be able to use the data for their own journey planning tools, which will make it simpler for Londoners to plan cycle journeys using their preferred apps. We’re excited to see how developers can use the data to help make cycling in the Capital easier, and to kick-start this we will invite app developers to a hackathon this autumn to see how this data can be maximised to benefit people cycling.

As well as making it easier for Londoners to plan cycle journeys, the database will help TfL and boroughs to plan future cycling investment. For example, the database has already been used to develop TfL's Cycle Parking Implementation Plan, which sets out how TfL will work with partners across the capital to deliver 50,000 cycle parking spaces over the next six years where they are needed most, to meet the growing demand for safe places to park cycles.

The following types of asset are included in the database:

  • Cycle lanes and tracks – including whether they are segregated or painted lanes
  • Cycle parking, including the type and capacity of parking
  • Signalised crossings for cycles
  • Restricted route - Modal filters and traffic gates which allow cycles to pass but restrict car traffic
  • Traffic calming, including the location of all speed humps in Greater London
  • Advanced stop lines – boxes at junctions for people cycling
  • Signals - early-release signals at junctions
  • Signage - Signed cycle routes and other wayfinding
  • Restricted Points – points where people cycling will have to dismount Paths through parks and other green spaces that can, and cannot, be cycled on

The data is accessible in geojson format from the TfL open data portal: (CycleInfrastructure/Data)

Please also refer to the CID Database Schema and the Asset Information Guide (CycleInfrastructure/Documentation)

This R package allows the user to import the CID into R as a spatial data: