Created a year ago, updated 3 months ago

Time series of official live birth estimates for local authority districts and selected higher geographies in England and Wales from 1991-92 onward. Data are collated from the following sources:

  1. ONS mid-year population estimates components of change - local authority births for mid-year periods from 2001-2 onward
  2. Births and deaths by Lower Super Output Area (LSOA), England and Wales, 1991 to 1992 to 2016 to 2017 - ad hoc release of births by (2011) LSOA for mid-year periods from 1991-92 to 2016-17
  3. Live births in England and Wales for small geographic areas - births by (2011) LSOA for calendar year period from 2013 onward.
  4. Live births by month, sex and area of usual residence of mother, England and Wales - a series of ad hoc releases of monthly births at local authority level from September 2009 onward.

While calendar year births data for local authorities is available for local earlier periods from the ONS website, this data has not yet been included here due to the complications caused by:

  1. the lack of geography codes accompanying the data for the years of interest
  2. the decision to combine data for Hackney and City of London, and Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly
  3. inconsistent formatting of the published tables

A respository of the code used to collate these data is available on GitHub at:

This data is used as an input to Modelled estimates of recent births

Rolling yearly aggregations of monthly births data for each month. Local authority districts in England by date of year ending. Hackney & City of London and Cornwall & Isles of Scilly are combined in this data
Rolling yearly aggregations of monthly births data for each month. Regions in England by date of year ending
Rolling yearly aggregations of monthly births data for each month. Country of England by date of year ending
Rolling yearly aggregations of monthly births data for each month. 2021 ITL 2 subregions in England by date of year ending
births_lad.csv  (3.62 MB)

Annual births for 2023 local authority districts in England and Wales by date of year ending

births_rgn.csv  (106.11 kB)
Annual births for regions in England by date of year ending
births_ctry.csv  (23.22 kB)
Annual births for the countries of England and Wales by date of year ending
births_itl.csv  (420.97 kB)
Annual births for 2021 ITL 2 subregions in England and Wales by date of year ending
Monthly births for 2021 local authority districts in England by date of month ending. Hackney & City of London and Cornwall & Isles of Scilly are combined in this data
Monthly births for regions in England by date of month ending
Monthly births for the country of England by date of month ending
Monthly births for 2021 ITL 2 subregions in England by date of month ending
births_lad.rds  (64.5 kB)

Annual births for 2023 local authority districts in England and Wales by date of year ending. This file is saved in the RDS format native to the R programming language and is intended for use as an input to the process for modelling recent births:

  Local Authority