Created 11 years ago, updated 11 years ago

Alcohol Indicators related to hospital admissions, covering:

Months of life lost - males
Months of life lost - females
Alcohol-specific mortality - males
Alcohol-specific mortality - females
Mortality from chronic liver disease - males
Mortality from chronic liver disease - females
Alcohol-attributable mortality - males
Alcohol-attributable mortality - females
Alcohol-specific hospital admission - under 18s
Alcohol-specific hospital admission - males
Alcohol-specific hospital admission - females
Alcohol-attributable hospital admission - males
Alcohol-attributable hospital admission - females
Admission episodes for alcohol-attributable conditions (previously NI39)
Alcohol-related recorded crimes
Alcohol-related violent crimes
Alcohol-related sexual offences
Claimants of incapacity benefits - working age
Mortality from land transport accidents
Abstainers synthetic estimate
Lower Risk drinking (% of drinkers only) synthetic estimate
Increasing Risk drinking (% of drinkers only) synthetic estimate
Higher Risk drinking (% of drinkers only) synthetic estimate
Binge drinking (synthetic estimate)
Employees in bars - % of all employees
Created by NWPHO from Hospital Episode Statistics and a range of other sources. Includes data for National Indicator 39. Measures are numbers and rates.

Download the borough data from the Local Alcohol Profiles for England (LAPE) website.

  Greater London