First release of opinion data – telling Londoners what they already know.
In our push to make the work we do at the GLA transparent and available to the public we have published the first of a number of pieces of our opinion research data on Datastore.
The first examples up and running are the 2009 Young Londoners Survey, and 2010 Annual London Survey datasets. These pieces of work look at the views of Londoners with relation to a number of areas of Mayoral policy and priority, including community safety, the environment, involvement in the community, transport, London 2012 and health.
A sound evidence base plays a key role in developing effective policies that work for London now and in the future. Datastore has already been making the rich empirical data we hold for these purposes available to the public for nine months. The Mayor passionately believes that Londoners are well placed to tell us what the day-to-day issues are that they face and how they think these might best be addressed. Now we want to share the opinion research information we collect to give Londoners a say in shaping this great city – the data that allows us to access the powerful knowledge base that is the collective public mind and in doing so understand the rich tapestry of individual behaviours, perceptions and motivations of Londoners and its diverse groups.
So have a look at the data and have a play. Our very own Richard Walker’s blog on simple visualisation techniques should help you cut through all the numbers. If you find anything interesting be sure to let us know!
If you want to get an idea of the kind of things you can do click the image below to see some demographic graphs on neighbourhood and London satisfaction.