Smallest Geography
(No further facets)- Updated 4 months ago
GiGL Open Space Friends Group subset
Greenspace Information for Greater London CIC (GiGL)Introduction The GiGL Open Space Friends Group subset provides locations and boundaries for selected open space sites in Greater London. The chosen sites represent sites that have established Friends Groups in Greater London and are therefore important to local communities, even if they may not be accessible open spaces, or don’t typically function as destinations for leisure, activities and community engagement*. Friends Groups are gr... - Updated 4 months ago
GiGL Spaces to Visit
Greenspace Information for Greater London CIC (GiGL)Introduction The GiGL Spaces to Visit dataset provides locations and boundaries for open space sites in Greater London that are available to the public as destinations for leisure, activities and community engagement. It includes green corridors that provide opportunities for walking and cycling. The dataset has been created by Greenspace Information for Greater London CIC (GiGL). As London’s Environmental Records Centre, GiGL mobil...