Smallest Geography
Local Authority
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(No further facets)- Updated 5 years ago
Average Private Rents, Borough
Valuation Office AgencySummary of average monthly rents in private rental market, recorded per 12 month rolling period. Data updated bi-annually by local authority areas for England. These statistics used to be produced quarterly but since 2013 have been updated bi-annually in Q1 and Q3 only. VOA note on these statistics: "The sample used to produce these statistics is not statistical and may not be consistent over time as such these data should not be comp... - Created 11 years ago
Empty Homes
The Empty Homes AgencyWho owns the empty homes. Each year the Department for Communities and Local Government collects data on the number of empty homes from each local authority in England and from other Government departments and bodies (HSSA Statistics). LA data are reported figures. Regions' totals include estimated values for missing data. Hence summing LA figures would not yield region's figure. LA data are reported figures. # indicates figure not su...