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The Mayor of London The London Assembly

London Rents Map

The London Rents Map shows average private sector rents for different types of home across London. You can search the Rents Map by entering a location and a property type in the box below.

The data on average rents is given at postcode district level (SW19 or E7, for example), and is based on a sample covering the last 12 months (up to the date shown in the last update box) so does not fully reflect the most recent short-term trends in the market.

We are grateful to the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) for providing the data on private rents used to produce the London Rents Map.

Renting in London

This section provides information on renting from the private sector and from a social landlord. The data on weekly rents presented on this site are for privately rented homes only.

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Private renting

A quarter of households in London (around 850,000 in all) rent their home in the private market. They are not evenly spread across London: rates of private renting are almost twice as high in central London as they are in the outer boroughs.The sector is relatively young, with half of privately renting households in London headed by someone aged 34 or under. It is also very diverse: 60% of private renting households are headed by someone born outside the UK. Around a third of private renting households in London have moved in the last year, and they account for more than half of all the home moves in London each year.The Mayor’s Housing Covenant on the private rented sector, published in 2012, sets out a range of policies to improve private renting in London, including measures to boost the supply of purpose-built private rented accommodation and a new London Rental Standard to drive up standards of management.

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Social renting

Almost a quarter of London’s households rent their homes from one of the 33 London councils or one of the several hundred housing associations that own property in the capital. The amount of rent charged is set in line with official guidelines published by the Homes and Communities Agency.The coalition government has introduced a new rented product called Affordable Rent, which can be let at up to 80% of the market rent (though often a lower percentage, particularly for family-sized housing). While Affordable Rent now comprises the majority of new affordable homes built for rent, most of the lettings each year are still for traditional social housing.Social housing in London is heavily oversubscribed and applicants with a high priority can sometimes have to wait a long time to get a home. Social housing is allocated according to strict rules on eligibility and priority.
