Created 5 months ago, updated a month ago

Until recently it was difficult to find out what commissioned tables were available from these censuses. ONS hold copies of all the tables published from the 2021, 2011 and 2001 censuses but they didn't publish details of these. In October 2024 they released lists of the available tables from 2001 to 2021 here:

ONS lists of commissioned tables 2001,2011 and 2021

The lists are searchable and for 2011 and 2021 give hyperlinks to the data. All the 2021 and 2011 tables are now on the ONS website, but some of the earlier 2011 tables haven't always been. Hence some earlier 2011 tables are hyperlinked to archived versions.

This all means that our lists below should have been superseded. But sometimes the 2011 and 2021 GLA lists can be more complete than ONS's depending on when we/ONS last updated them! The 2001 ONS and GLA lists should have the same tables.

2001 tables were never published on the ONS website but were (and are) available on request from We've also published most of the 2001 tables here on the Datastore.

2011 tables commissioned by the Census Information Scheme (CIS) have also been put on the Datastore.

CIS members should send any requests for census data to as we co-ordinate and fund commissioned table requests on behalf of members.