Greater London Authority (GLA)
Department for Education
Census Information Scheme
Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Higher Education Statistics Agency
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Local Authority
Greater London
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- Updated 11 days ago
OPDC's Grants Data
OPDCOPDC is a Mayoral Development Corporation, established by the Mayor of London with a statutory objective to secure the regeneration of our area, which spans across three London boroughs – Ealing, Brent and Hammersmith & Fulham. Our area includes the vast Park Royal industrial estate, the Old Oak development area around the new High Speed 2 Old Oak Common interchange, and the protected 67 hectares of parkland at Wormwood Scrubs. - Updated 11 days ago
Labour Market Analysis of London’s Priority Sectors
Greater London Authority (GLA)This page presents a labour market analysis related to each of the Mayor of London’s priority sectors. Each report explores a different economic sector in detail by bringing together data from a wide-range of sources. An FAQ guide has also been published alongside these reports to help users navigate their contents. When using outputs from this analysis it is important to be aware of the following caveats: The analysis is not int... - Updated 2 months ago
GCSE Results by Borough
Department for EducationData on GCSE and equivalent entries and achievments at the end of Key Stage 4 by gender and location of school/educational institution. This dataset contains data on GCSE results using the 1-9 grading system. This system has replaced the old A*-G grading system. The two main indicators are Attainment 8 and Progress 8, these are explained below. Attainment 8 - This indicator measures pupils' average grade across eight subjects. These ar... - Updated 2 months ago
Early Years Foundation Stage Profile Assessment Results
Department for EducationThe Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP) is a teacher assessment of children’s development at the end of the EYFS (the end of the academic year in which the child turns five). This dataset contains the results of the EYFSP by gender and location of school/educational institution. Also includes data by region by ethnic group, language, and free school meal (FSM) eligibility. Indicators include: The percentage of children achievi... - Updated 2 months ago
English language (ESOL) Planning Map
Greater London Authority (GLA)The ESOL Planning Map, first published in September 2021, is based on the English language proficiency dataset from the Census of 2021, specifically the 'little' or 'no English' categories (combined). It aims to support ESOL providers, funders, commissioners and policymakers with ESOL planning and policymaking. The map includes information on local ESOL providers funded via the Mayor’s Adult Skills Fund (ASF) and non-ASF ESOL provider... - Updated 2 months ago
Arbor meals data
Greater London Authority (GLA)Data is not routinely collected by the GLA on the take-up of meals offered through the London scheme. This decision was taken because it was felt to be too great an additional burden for schools in the context of a rapid roll out. Instead, GLA have sought to understand levels of take-up through a number of different sources. This has included work with the management information systems (MIS) provider Arbor, insights gathered through di... - Updated 4 months ago
GLA Grants data
Greater London Authority (GLA)The GLA Grants Dataset contains data relating to grants which have been awarded by the GLA since 2013. The dataset uses the 360 Giving Standard, to ensure the data is clear and accessible. This dataset can also be accessed on the 360 giving navigation site GrantNav, which allows grant-makers and others to explore how grants are used, areas of commonality between grant-makers and gaps that are not reached by grant-makers. Potential grant... - Updated 4 months ago
DMAG Briefings 2006
Greater London Authority (GLA)An archive of Briefings and Updates published in 2006 by the GLA's Data Management and Analysis Group. These Briefings cover a range of topics including demography, census analysis, education, and London's labour market. Briefings from other years are available here: DMAG Report Archive – London Datastore - Updated 5 months ago
Thames Estuary Production Corridor: Fashion Design and Manufacturing Sector: evidence base and emerging areas of action
Greater London Authority (GLA)This dataset was collated to provide evidence for supporting and investing in the high growth fashion design and manufacturing sector in the Thames Estuary region. This evidence base was created as part of a research commission funded by MHCLG in 2020, which set out to make a case for investment in cultural infrastructure across the region. This document provides a summary of the fashion design and manufacturing sector research undert... - Updated 5 months ago
Thames Estuary Production Corridor:Screen Industries Sector-evidence base and emerging areas of action
Greater London Authority (GLA)This dataset was collated to provide evidence for supporting and investing in the high growth screen industries sector in the Thames Estuary region. This evidence base was created as part of a research commission funded by MHCLG in 2020, which set out to make a case for investment in cultural infrastructure across the region. This document provides a summary of the screen industries sector research undertaken from July to December 20...