
- Updated 4 months ago
Borough Council Election Results 2022
Greater London Authority (GLA)With the aim of making the democratic process as transparent as possible to the London electorate, this report includes a great deal of detail on every aspect of the 2022 London Borough council elections. No other single volume presents the full results and election statistics from the 32 London boroughs enabling the reader to analyse and compare the results across London in one place. The report presents data for every candidate in eve... - Updated 3 years ago
Postcode Directory for London
Office for National Statistics (ONS)This file contains the ONS Postcode Directory (ONSPD) for London. The ONSPD relates both current and terminated postcodes in the United Kingdom to a range of current statutory administrative, electoral (eg Wards), health and other area geographies. It also links postcodes to pre-2002 health areas, 1991 Census enumeration districts (for England and Wales), 2001 and 2011 Census output and super output areas (LSOA and MSOA) (England and Wa... - Updated 5 years ago
London Ward Well-Being Scores
Greater London Authority (GLA)These ward level well being scores present a combined measure of well-being indicators of the resident population based on 12 different indicators. Where possible each indicator score is compared with the England and Wales average, which is zero. Scores over 0 indicate a higher probability that the population on average will experience better well-being according to these measures. Users can adjust the weight of each indicator depending... - Updated 5 years ago
GLA Claimant Count Model Output
Greater London Authority (GLA)The percentage of the economically active population who are claiming Job Seekers Allowance (JSA). Output from the GLA claimant count model which uses administrative counts of Job Seekers and expresses them as a percentage of the labour force using GLA projections of the economically active population. Designed to complement ONS claimant count rates which use the whole population as the denominator. From October 2015, the series inclu... - Updated 5 years ago
Children in Poverty, Borough and Ward
HM Revenue & CustomsNumbers and percentages of children in poverty for Borough and London Wards (at 31 August each year). This Children in Low-Income Families Local Measure shows the proportion of children living in families in receipt of out-of-work (means-tested) benefits or in receipt of tax credits where their reported income is less than 60 per cent of UK median income. This measure provides a broad proxy for relative low income child poverty as set ... - Updated 6 years ago
Country of Birth Ward Tools (2011 Census)
Census Information SchemeA set of tools created by the Census Information Scheme that allows users to explore data from 2011 Census Commissioned Table CT0226: Detailed Country of Birth by Ward. The excel tool allows users to explore the data in four different ways: Single Ward Table - a table of the top thirty countries of birth for the selected ward. Also produces a chart of same data. All Wards in Borough - a table of the top ten countries of birth in th... - Updated 6 years ago
Borough Council Election Results 2018
Greater London Authority (GLA)With the aim of making the democratic process as transparent as possible to the London electorate, this report includes a great deal of detail on every aspect of the 2018 London Borough council elections. No other single volume presents the full results and election statistics from the 32 London boroughs enabling the reader to analyse and compare the results across London in one place. The report presents data for every candidate in ... - Updated 9 years ago
Life Expectancy at Birth and Age 65 by Ward
Office for National Statistics (ONS)This series has been discontinued. Life expectancy at birth and age 65 by sex and ward, London borough, region, 1999/03 - 2010/14. The population data used is revised 2002-2010 ONS mid year estimates (MYE) - revised post 2011 Census. Revised population estimates by single year of age for wards can also be found on the ONS website for 2002-2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013. These figures are consistent with the published revised mid-2002 to m... - Updated 9 years ago
Detailed Ethnicity by Age & Sex Ward Tools (2011 Census)
Census Information SchemeA set of tools created by the Census Information Scheme that allows users to explore data from 2011 Census Commissioned Table CT0225: Age by ethnic group by sex. The excel tool allows users to explore the data in four different ways: Top 10 Ethnic Groups By All Wards In Borough - filter table by borough, age and sex Age Comparison - filter by borough, ethnicity and sex Sex Comparison - filter by borough, ethnicity and age Top 30 ... - Created 10 years ago
Workday Population by Sex and Age, Borough and Ward
Office for National Statistics (ONS)Census 2011 Workday Population by five year age band and sex, by country, region, local authority, and ward.From Census Table WD1101EW - Sex by Age (Workday population)Workday population is All usual residents who are either in employment in the area, or not in employment but live there.