Transport for London (TfL)
Greater London Authority (GLA)
Department for Transport
Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
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- Updated 9 days ago
London Energy and Greenhouse Gas Inventory (LEGGI)
Greater London Authority (GLA)The London Energy and Greenhouse Gas Inventory (LEGGI) is an emissions inventory which quantifies greenhouse gas emissions released to the environment from activities in London. It also quantifies emissions removed through Land Use, Land Change and Forestry sector activities. It is produced on an annual basis to measure progress against the Mayor's emissions reduction targets for London. The inventory provides emissions in the following... - Updated 3 months ago
Licensed Vehicles - Type, Borough
Department for TransportNumber of licensed vehicles (in thousands) at year end broken down by type including , cars, motor cycles, light goods, heavy goods, buses an coaches, and Other. Vehicles are allocated to a local authority according to the postcode of the registered keeper. This is the keeper's address for privately owned vehicles or the company's registered address for company owned vehicles. Significant changes in the number of vehicles from year to y... - Updated 6 months ago
Public Transport Journeys by Type of Transport
Transport for London (TfL)Number of journeys on the public transport network by TFL reporting period, by type of transport. Data is broken down by bus, underground, DLR, tram, Overground and cable car. Period lengths are different in periods 1 and 13, and the data is not adjusted to account for that. Docklands Light Railway journeys are based on automatic passenger counts at stations. Overground and Tram journeys are based on automatic on-carriage passenger co... - Updated 6 months ago
Licensed Vehicles - Numbers, Borough
Department for TransportPlease note that, as of June 2024, this dataset is no longer being updated. Due to the Department of Transport no longer being able to provide this data. Trends of total number of Private or Light Goods vehicles at year end since 1997. Exempt: Disabled' are vehicles exempt from tax providing they are used by disabled people claiming the higher rate of the mobility component of Disability Living Allowance, War Pensioners Mobility Supple... - Updated 8 months ago
Cycle Hire availability
Transport for London (TfL)This TfL feed contains the name, location, co-ordinates and maximum number of docking points for all operational Santander Cycle Hire docking stations. It also contains the number of available bikes (excluding locked or faulty bikes), and number of available docking points. Documentation is available from the TfL Unified API - Updated a year ago
Analysis for the London Partnership Board
Greater London Authority (GLA)This page contains presentations of analysis created for the London Partnership Board meetings. These summarise the latest developments in London since the previous meeting. - Created 2 years ago
UK Power NetworksAs part of our Enable project, we estimated the projected number of on-street disabled parking bays and Blue Badge holders in our licence areas by 2030. This data is available at the Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA) level. We hope that this data will help local authorities and charge point operators plan for accessible transport provision for customers. More information on what we're doing for accessible transport can be found at UK... - Updated 3 years ago
Key Performance Indicators on the TFL Road Network
Transport for London (TfL)This dataset will no longer be updated. Selected key performance indicators on the TFL Road Network. Number of hours of Serious and Severe Disruption on the road network by planned and unplanned status, journey time reliability, and total number of works undertaken on the road network. TLRN = TFL Road Network The maximum permissibile total number of road works allowed on the TLRN was capped at 3,250 for any one period, in Period 1 of 2... - Updated 5 years ago
London Underground Performance Reports
Transport for London (TfL)Transport For Londons's key London Underground performance measures (since May-11). The key measures of underground performance contained in the Excel spreadsheet are: Total operated kilometres, Total number of lost customer hours (LCH) (all causes), Average excess journey time, and Percentage of scheduled operated. More indicators are available from the TFL monthly performance data Almanac. Also available from TFL are a list of tube... - Updated 8 years ago
TfL Rolling Origin and Destination Survey
Transport for London (TfL)The Rolling O&D survey (RODS) is a rolling programme to capture information about journeys on the LUL network. Warning: It is important to note that these data are reconciled to November counts and represent the number of people travelling on a typical (or average) weekday. Therefore, year-on-year RODS fluctuations do not necessarily reflect whole-year annual demand changes. Furthermore, these data are adjusted to remove the effect of ...