Employment and Skills
Business and Economy
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Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Greater London Authority (GLA)
Census Information Scheme
GLA Demography
Department for Work and Pensions
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- Updated 9 years ago
Public Health Outcomes Framework Indicators
Public Health EnglandThis data originates from the Public Health Outcomes tool currently presents data for available indicators for upper tier local authority levels, collated by Public Health England (PHE). The data currently published here are the baselines for the Public Health Outcomes Framework, together with more recent data where these are available. The baseline period is 2010 or equivalent, unless these data are unavailable or not deemed to be of ... - Updated 9 years ago
Daytime Population, Borough
Greater London Authority (GLA)Daytime population - The estimated number of people in a borough in the daytime during an average day, broken down by component sub-groups. The figures given are an average day during school term-time. No account has been made for seasonal variations, or for people who are usually in London (resident, at school or working), but are away visiting another place. Sources include the Business Register and Employment Survey (BRES) (availab... - Created 10 years ago
ONS 2014 mid-year population estimates: London analysis
Greater London Authority (GLA)This Update from the GLA Intelligence Unit analyses the ONS 2014 mid-year population estimates and associated components of change focussing on London and comparing these to ONS and GLA population projections. - Created 10 years ago
Workday Population by Sex and Age, Borough and Ward
Office for National Statistics (ONS)Census 2011 Workday Population by five year age band and sex, by country, region, local authority, and ward.From Census Table WD1101EW - Sex by Age (Workday population)Workday population is All usual residents who are either in employment in the area, or not in employment but live there. - Created 10 years ago
Population Change 1939-2015
Greater London Authority (GLA)In 2015 London's population surpassed its previous peak of 8.6 million people. This dataset contains an excel workbook showing borough population estimates and projections for the period 1939 - 2039 and a brief summary of population change in the capital. - Updated 10 years ago
Global City Population Estimates
Greater London Authority (GLA)Population of Urban Agglomerations with 300,000 Inhabitants or more in 2014, by city, 1950-2030 (thousands). Data for 1,692 cities contained in the Excel file. Note: Each country has its own definition of what is 'urban' and therefore use exercise caution when comparing cities in different countries. Data available from the United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2014). World Urbanization Prospe... - Created 10 years ago
2011 Census Demography
Census Information SchemeReports and data on population growth and change - Updated 10 years ago
Focus on London - Population and Migration
Greater London Authority (GLA)This report was released in September 2010. However, recent demographic data is available on the datastore - you may find other datasets on the Datastore useful such as: GLA Population Projections, National Insurance Number Registrations of Overseas Nationals, Births by Birthplace of Mother, Births and Fertility Rates, Office for National Statistics (ONS) Population Estimates FOCUSONLONDON2010:POPULATIONANDMIGRATION Lo... - Updated 10 years ago
London Parliamentary Constituency Profiles 2010
Greater London Authority (GLA)This report provides a summary of demographic and related data for each Westminster Parliamentary constituency in Greater London. The profiles are designed to provide an overview of the population in each area by combining a range of data on the population, diversity, households, life expectancy, council tax, crime, household income (paycheck), benefits, land use, education, business and deprivation. All data, relate to people who live ... - Updated 11 years ago
2011 Census QA Pack
Office for National Statistics (ONS)The Office for National Statistics released Quality Assurance data for local authorities as part of the first release of 2011 Census data.