
Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Greater London Authority (GLA)
Census Information Scheme
GLA Demography
CLEVER Cities - London partners
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- Created 2 years ago
UK Power NetworksAs part of our Enable project, we estimated the projected number of on-street disabled parking bays and Blue Badge holders in our licence areas by 2030. This data is available at the Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA) level. We hope that this data will help local authorities and charge point operators plan for accessible transport provision for customers. More information on what we're doing for accessible transport can be found at UK... - Updated 3 years ago
Local Authority comparator data
GLA DemographyCollated datasets for London local authorities for use as population comparators. Additional data will be added in the coming days. - Updated 3 years ago
Annual births by age of mother
Greater London Authority (GLA)Number of annual live births by broad age group of mother in England and Wales for mid-year to mid-year periods from 1 July 2000 to 30 June 2020. Original data for Lower Super Output Areas (LSOA) published by the Office for National Statistics here and here. Data aggregated to higher geographies by the Greater London Authority. - Updated 3 years ago
Granted British Citizenship
Home OfficePersons attending a British citizenship ceremony. (P) Provisional figures.(R) Figures have been revised since the first release of this data, for example to include late returns. Relates to adults over 18 years of age only. Ceremony Attended: A ceremony organised by County or Local Authorities for successful applicants over 18 years of age for British citizenship. At the ceremony the applicant takes the Oath or Affirmation of allegiance... - Updated 4 years ago
GLA Population Projections - Custom Age Tables
Greater London Authority (GLA)This Excel based tool enables users to query the raw single year of age data so that any age range can easily be calculated without having to carry out often complex, and time consuming formulas that could also be open to human error. Each year the GLA demography team produce sets of population projections. The full raw data by single year of age (SYA) and gender are available as Datastore packages at the links below. How to use the t... - Updated 4 years ago
Workforce Data Equality - London Benchmarking Tool
Greater London Authority (GLA)This tool has been specifically designed to support the Workforce Data Equality Guide. It holds data on London’s population across some of the key characteristics outlined in the guide to provide an easy way to begin benchmarking your own workforce data with respect to London’s diversity. - Updated 5 years ago
Census 2001 Key Statistics 13: Qualifications and Students
Office for National Statistics (ONS)Census Key Statistics Table KS13: Qualifications and Students. Level 1: 'O' level passes; 1+ CSE/GCSE any grades; NVQ level 1; Foundation GNVQ. Level 2: 'O' level passes; 5+ CSEs (grade 1's); 5+ GCSEs (grades A-C); School Certificate; 1+ 'A' levels/'AS' levels; NVQ level 2; Intermediate GNVQ. Level 3: 2+ 'A' levels; 4+ AS levels; Higher School Certificate; NVQ level 3; Advanced GNVQ. Level 4/5: First degree; Higher degree; NVQ level... - Updated 5 years ago
Census 2001 Key Statistics 10: Hours Worked
Office for National Statistics (ONS)Census Key Statistics Table KS10: Hours Worked. Hours worked is the average number of hours worked a week for the last four weeks before the Census. Cells in this table have been randomly adjusted to avoid the release of confidential data. All data is © Crown Copyright 2003. Census day was 29 April 2001. - Updated 5 years ago
Census 2001 Key Statistics 12: Occupation
Office for National Statistics (ONS)Census Key Statistics Table KS12: Occupation groups. Please note that Armed Forces figures comprise those people who responded "Armed Forces" to the industry question and "Commissioned Officer" or "Other rank" to the occupation question. As some people who were in the Armed Forces may have given other occupations or industries, the figures in this table for 'managers and senior officials' and 'associate professional and technical occup... - Updated 5 years ago
Census 2001 Key Statistics 11: Industry of Employment
Office for National Statistics (ONS)Census Key Statistics Table KS11: Industry of Employment. Other includes; other community; social and personal service activities; private households with employed persons and extra-territorial organisations and bodies. Please note that Armed Forces figures comprise those people who responded 'Armed Forces' to the industry question and 'Commissioned Officer' or 'Other rank' to the occupation question. As some people who were in the Ar...