
Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Greater London Authority (GLA)
Census Information Scheme
GLA Demography
CLEVER Cities - London partners
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- Updated a year ago
Annual birth estimates
Greater London Authority (GLA)This dataset has now moved to - Updated a year ago
CLEVER Cities Community Researchers Baseline Report, 2021
CLEVER Cities - London partnersCLEVER Cities in South Thamesmead is a partnership between the Mayor of London, Peabody, Groundwork London, Young Foundation and Social Finance. The project is supported by The Social Innovation Partnership and its Community Research Programme. The Community Research Team spent November and December 2020 gathering data from local people about their experiences in Thamesmead over the last year. The team hosted 9 focus groups with 101 at... - Updated a year ago
Civil Partnerships
Office for National Statistics (ONS)Number of civil partnership ceremonies by place of formation. The Civil Partnership Act 2004 came into force on 5 December 2005 in the UK, the first day couples could give notice of their intention to form a civil partnership. The first day that couples could normally form a partnership was 19 December 2005 in Northern Ireland, 20 December 2005 in Scotland and 21 December 2005 in England and Wales (18 civil partnerships were formed und... - Updated 2 years ago
Fatal fires in Greater London - Fire Facts
London Fire BrigadeThis Fire Facts publication - first published in 2018 - provides a range of statistical data about fire deaths in London. It includes a time series of data back to 1966, data for fire deaths by London borough, where people die, what causes the fires where people die, plus ethnicity and gender data about those who die in fires. - Updated 2 years ago
2021 census wards housing
Census Information SchemeData for 2011 and 2021 for wards in London - Updated 2 years ago
Population on Electoral Roll, Borough
Office for National Statistics (ONS)Numbers of people on local authority electoral registers. The table shows total number of local government electors includes residential qualifiers and attainers, Peers and European Union citizens. Local government areas are unitary authorities, London boroughs and district councils in England; unitary authorities in Wales; council areas in Scotland and Northern Ireland. This table is derived from data supplied to ONS by Electoral Reg... - Created 2 years ago
Comparison of available population estimates
Greater London Authority (GLA)At the April 2023 meeting of the Population Statistics User Group, the GLA Demography team presented an overview of currently available sources of population estimates for the previous decade, namely: The original ONS mid-year population estimates (including rolled-forward estimates for 2021) Experimental outputs from the ONS's Dynamic Population Model The modelled population backseries produced by the GLA to act as inputs to our 2021...