Office for National Statistics (ONS)
(3) - Updated a month ago
Employment Rates
Office for National Statistics (ONS)Number and percentage of residents aged 16-64 who are in employment by sex (000's) (seasonally adjusted), for rolling quarters since 1992 by region and country. The figures in this dataset are adjusted to compensate for seasonal variations in employment. Figures are released every month for rolling quarters. Data from ONS Table HI00. The data are taken from the Labour Force Survey and Annual Population Survey, produced by the Office for... - Updated 2 months ago
Employment Rates by Gender and Age or Disability, Borough
Office for National Statistics (ONS)Employment rates broken down by gender, age or disability. The data are taken from the Annual Population Survey (APS), produced by the Office for National Statistics. Employment Rate by Gender, for working age, and Age groups: 16-24, 25-34, 35-49, 50-64, and disability groups: All disabled, Both DDA & also work-limiting, DDA only disabled, Work-limiting only disabled, Not disabled, recently replaced with: Equality Act core or work-limi... - Updated a year ago
Employment Rates by Ethnicity
Office for National Statistics (ONS)Employment Rate by broad ethnic group (Working age), employment rates for BAME and White for each year since 2006, and employment and unemployment rates by age group (16-24, 25-49 and 50-64) and ethnic group for London and rest of UK for latest year. Rates for the latter, exclude full-time students. The data are taken from the Annual Population Survey (APS), produced by the Office for National Statistics.